$command = "(/usr/bin/php -q script.php) >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
$result = bcdiv(0.0100000000000000000001, 1, 2); // 0.01
$content = file_get_contents('http://www.example.com/');
Telegram does not process payments from users and instead relies on different payment providers around the world. It is the payment providers that handle and store all sensitive information, like credit card details. Neither Telegram nor the bot developers have access to it. For the moment we support payments from more than 200 countries via the the following payment providers:
- Stripe
- Payment wall
- Yandex.Money
- Sberbank
- Payme
- Rave by Flutterwave
More providers are coming.
* Please do not use this function, it is horribly ineffective.
* Instead use a reversed ORDER BY clause and a LIMIT 1 with R::findOne().
$order = R::findOne('orders', ' user_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC', [$user_id]);
global $wp;
$url = add_query_arg( $wp->query_vars, home_url( $wp->request ) );
Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access to a user's account. An application can request one or more scopes, this information is then presented to the user in the consent screen, and the access token issued to the application will be limited to the scopes granted.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use League\ColorExtractor\Color;
use League\ColorExtractor\ColorExtractor;
use League\ColorExtractor\Palette;
$palette = Palette::fromFilename('./some/image.png');
$topFive = $palette->getMostUsedColors(1);
$d = date('Y.m.d');
// Объектно-ориентированный стиль
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y.m.d', $d);
$date->sub(new DateInterval('P5D'));
echo $date->format('Y-m-d'); // 2019-05-25
// Процедурный стиль
$date = date_create_from_format('Y.m.d', $d);
date_sub($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string('5 days'));
echo date_format($date, 'Y-m-d'); // 2019-05-25
Пользователи Twitter уже предложили Илону Маску модифицировать более поздние модели спутников так, чтобы они отражали меньше света. На это глава SpaceX ответил, что согласен с опасениями и в дальнейшем позаботится о том, чтобы спутники Starlink не влияли на работу астрономов и их альбедо уменьшат.
There are already 4900 satellites in orbit, which people notice ~0% of the time. Starlink won’t be seen by anyone unless looking very carefully & will have ~0% impact on advancements in astronomy. We need to move telelscopes to orbit anyway. Atmospheric attenuation is terrible.
If we need to tweak sat orientation to minimize solar reflection during critical astronomical experiments, that’s easily done. Most orbital objects are close to Earth btw, as shown by this NASA density map.
Agreed, sent a note to Starlink team last week specifically regarding albedo reduction. We’ll get a better sense of value of this when satellites have raised orbits & arrays are tracking to sun.
Report a suspicious website or false positive website via email
Please create and send an email with the following information:
- In the Subject line: If you are reporting a blocked website that may contain potentially dangerous content, include Domain whitelist followed by the blocked domain (such as, www.blockeddomain.com).
- In the body of the email: Include the URL(s) being blocked or that you found suspicious.
- Why you think it is a false positive report. Please provide as much information as possible about the source of the software, including the name of the developer, the name and version application.
- If you are reporting a blocked website, please provide the complete URL that is blocked. Enclosing a screen shot of the notification about the blockage is recommended- Send the email to: samples@eset.com.
If the issue is not resolved within three days and the matter is urgent, please send a follow-up email message with the following information:
- Subject line of email that was sent to samples@eset.com.
- Date and time of email.
- Email address you sent it From.
A stored function or trigger cannot modify a table that is already being used (for reading or writing) by the statement that invoked the function or trigger.
Тем не менее, если страница HTTPS, которую вы посещаете, включает HTTP содержимое, часть содержимого HTTP может быть прочитана или изменена нападающими, хотя главная страница загружена через HTTPS. Когда страницы HTTPS имеют содержимое HTTP, мы называем это содержимое "смешанным". Страница, которую вы посещаете, лишь частично зашифрована и хотя это кажется безопасным, это не так. Дополнительные сведения о смешанном содержимом (активном и пассивном), можно найти в этом посте в блоге.