externip = ваш_текущий_внешний_IP_адрес
type = transport
external_media_address = ваш_текущий_внешний_IP_адрес
external_signaling_address = ваш_текущий_внешний_IP_адрес
type = transport
external_media_address = ваш_текущий_внешний_DNS_адрес
external_signaling_address = ваш_текущий_внешний_DNS_адрес
same => n,Dial(local/101@office&local/102@office,15)
exten => _10x,1,NoOp()
same => n,Dial(${PJSIP_DIAL_CONTACTS(${EXTEN})},60,T)
same => n,Hangup()
1. Уровень сигнала -
2. Настройки сети -
3. Настройки безопасности -
4. Включение фаервола -
5. Включение DMZ -
6. Включение UpnP -
7. Фильтрация IP -
8. Фильтрация URL -
SELECT create_hypertable('history', 'clock', chunk_time_interval => 86400, migrate_data => true);
SELECT create_hypertable('history_uint', 'clock', chunk_time_interval => 86400, migrate_data => true);
SELECT create_hypertable('history_log', 'clock', chunk_time_interval => 86400, migrate_data => true);
SELECT create_hypertable('history_text', 'clock', chunk_time_interval => 86400, migrate_data => true);
SELECT create_hypertable('history_str', 'clock', chunk_time_interval => 86400, migrate_data => true);
SELECT create_hypertable('trends', 'clock', chunk_time_interval => 86400, migrate_data => true);
SELECT create_hypertable('trends_uint', 'clock', chunk_time_interval => 86400, migrate_data => true);
UPDATE config SET db_extension='timescaledb', hk_history_global=1, hk_trends_global=1;
UPDATE config SET compression_status=1, compress_older='7d';
systemctl restart zabbix-server.service && \
service rh-php72-php-fpm.service restart && \
service rh-nginx116-nginx.service restart
SELECT chunk_table,total_bytes FROM chunk_relation_size('history_uint');
INSERT INTO history_log select * from history_log_p2020_11_21; DROP table history_log_p2020_11_21;
INSERT INTO history_log select * from history_log_p2020_11_22; DROP table history_log_p2020_11_22;
INSERT INTO history_log select * from history_log_p2020_11_23; DROP table history_log_p2020_11_23;
INSERT INTO history_log select * from history_log_p2020_11_24; DROP table history_log_p2020_11_24;
INSERT INTO history_log select * from history_log_p2020_11_25; DROP table history_log_p2020_11_25;
INSERT INTO history_log select * from history_log_p2020_11_26; DROP table history_log_p2020_11_26;
INSERT INTO history_log select * from history_log_p2020_11_27; DROP table history_log_p2020_11_27;
INSERT INTO history select * from history_p2020_11_21; DROP table history_p2020_11_21;
INSERT INTO history select * from history_p2020_11_22; DROP table history_p2020_11_22;
INSERT INTO history select * from history_p2020_11_23; DROP table history_p2020_11_23;
INSERT INTO history select * from history_p2020_11_24; DROP table history_p2020_11_24;
INSERT INTO history select * from history_p2020_11_25; DROP table history_p2020_11_25;
INSERT INTO history select * from history_p2020_11_26; DROP table history_p2020_11_26;
INSERT INTO history select * from history_p2020_11_27; DROP table history_p2020_11_27;
INSERT INTO history_uint select * from history_uint_p2020_11_21; DROP table history_uint_p2020_11_21;
INSERT INTO history_uint select * from history_uint_p2020_11_22; DROP table history_uint_p2020_11_22;
INSERT INTO history_uint select * from history_uint_p2020_11_23; DROP table history_uint_p2020_11_23;
INSERT INTO history_uint select * from history_uint_p2020_11_24; DROP table history_uint_p2020_11_24;
INSERT INTO history_uint select * from history_uint_p2020_11_25; DROP table history_uint_p2020_11_25;
INSERT INTO history_uint select * from history_uint_p2020_11_26; DROP table history_uint_p2020_11_26;
INSERT INTO history_uint select * from history_uint_p2020_11_27; DROP table history_uint_p2020_11_27;
-- ЗДЕСЬ могут быть ПРОБЛЕМЫ!
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2019_12; DROP table trends_p2019_12;
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_01; DROP table trends_p2020_01;
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_02; DROP table trends_p2020_02;
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_03; DROP table trends_p2020_03;
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_04; DROP table trends_p2020_04;
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_05; DROP table trends_p2020_05;
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_06; DROP table trends_p2020_06;
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_07; DROP table trends_p2020_07;
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_08; DROP table trends_p2020_08;
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_09; DROP table trends_p2020_09;
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_10; DROP table trends_p2020_10;
INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_11; DROP table trends_p2020_11;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2019_12; DROP table trends_uint_p2019_12;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2020_01; DROP table trends_uint_p2020_01;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2020_02; DROP table trends_uint_p2020_02;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2020_03; DROP table trends_uint_p2020_03;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2020_04; DROP table trends_uint_p2020_04;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2020_05; DROP table trends_uint_p2020_05;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2020_06; DROP table trends_uint_p2020_06;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2020_07; DROP table trends_uint_p2020_07;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2020_08; DROP table trends_uint_p2020_08;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2020_09; DROP table trends_uint_p2020_09;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2020_10; DROP table trends_uint_p2020_10;
INSERT INTO trends_uint select * from trends_uint_p2020_11; DROP table trends_uint_p2020_11;
zabbix=# INSERT INTO trends select * from trends_p2020_06;
ОШИБКА: повторяющееся значение ключа нарушает ограничение уникальности "trends_pkey"
ПОДРОБНОСТИ: Ключ "(itemid, clock)=(215864, 1592535600)" уже существует.
DELETE FROM trends WHERE itemid='215864' AND clock='1592535600';
DELETE FROM trends WHERE clock='1592535600';
DELETE FROM trends WHERE clock='1603522800';
DELETE FROM trends WHERE clock='1603476000';
DELETE FROM trends WHERE clock='1603515600';
DELETE FROM trends WHERE clock='1603512000';
DELETE FROM trends_uint WHERE clock='1592535600';
DELETE FROM trends_uint WHERE clock='1603522800';
DELETE FROM trends_uint WHERE clock='1603476000';
DELETE FROM trends_uint WHERE clock='1603515600';
DELETE FROM trends_uint WHERE clock='1603512000';
from [oktell].[dbo].[vm_potok]
WHERE data <= DATEADD(mi, -255, GETDATE())
DATENAME(hour, DATEADD(hh, -7 + [gmt_client], GETDATE())) >= 9
DATENAME( hour, DATEADD(hh, -7 + [gmt_client], GETDATE()) ) < 23
FROM [oktell].[dbo].[vm_potok]
WHERE data <= DATEADD(mi, -255, GETDATE())
DATENAME(hh, GETDATE()) between 15 and 17 and gmt_client = 13
[gmt_client] = 13 and DATENAME(hh, GETDATE()) between 15 and 17
Была у них такая бага.