cd "ваш/путь/к/virtualbox"
VBoxManage.exe setextradata "Your VM name" VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution 1440x900 (или 1920x1080, и т.д.)
VBoxManage setextradata "Your VM name" VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution 1440x900
Copy commands triggered from document.execCommand() will only affect the contents of the real clipboard if the event is dispatched from an event that is trusted and triggered by the user, or if the implementation is configured to allow this. How implementations can be configured to allow write access to the clipboard is outside the scope of this specification.
var query = {
name: 'John',
age: '18'
delete query['age']
Users.find( query ).limit(20);
Принципиально, чтобы услуги были вложены в регион, а не наоборот.
resources :regions, path: ''