If the part # ends with 10 it comes with the SSD, warranty, a sticker and in a brown box.Т.е если модель оканчивается на 10 — это просто SSD, если на K5 — SSD c набором установки в десктоп, если на B5 — c набором установки в десктоп и ноутбук.
If the part # ends with K5, it is the reseller box and comes with:
*The SSD
*One-page flyer with web links
*Mini CD-Rom with installation and warranty documents.
*Desktop install kit:
-Drive bracket and screws
-SATA signal cable
-SATA power cable
If the part # ends with B5, it is the retail box and comes with:
*The SSD
*One-page flyer with web links
*Mini CD-Rom with installation and warranty documents.
*Desktop install kit:
-Drive bracket and screws
-SATA signal cable
-SATA power cable
*Notebook install kit:
-USB to SATA cable
-Protective sleeve