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select s.Name
, sum(nvl(o.Amount, 0)) as Quantity
from Sellers as s,
Orders as o
where s.id = o.Salesperson_id
and o.Order_date is not null
and o.Order_date > to_date('20091231','YYYYMMDD') /*если это date*/
group by s.id, s.Name
having count(o.Salesperson_id) > 1
order by sum(nvl(o.Amount, 0)) desc
offset 0 rows fetch next 1 rows only
SELECT * FROM `tab` WHERE id in (2,3,1)
order by find_in_set (id, '2,3,1')
strftime('%Y', case Dub_date when 'Reg' then reg_date else terminate_date end) AS Date_,
count(case Dub_date when 'Reg' then reg_date end) AS opened_count,
count(case Dub_date when 'Terminate' then terminate_date end) As terminate_count
FROM COMPANIES, (select 'Reg' Dub_date union all select 'Terminate')
group by Date_
having Date_ is not null