var tmp0 = svg.selectAll(".bar");
var tmp1 =;
var tmp2 = tmp1.enter();
var tmp3 = tmp2.append("g");
var tmp4 = tmp3.attr("class", "bar");
var tmp5 = tmp4.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + x(d.x0) + "," + y(d.length) + ")"; });
var bar = tmp5;
map $uri $should_redirect {
/cat/article/4 1;
/cat/article/5 1;
/cat/article/21 1;
/cat/article/55 1;
location /cat/article/ {
if ($should_redirect) {
rewrite ^/cat/article/([0-9]+)$$1/ permanent;
location /cat/article/ {
rewrite ^/cat/article/([0-9]+)$$1/;
> 0.755.toFixed(20)
> 0.7555.toFixed(20)
> 0.75555.toFixed(20)
chmod g+s folder
On most systems, if a directory’s set-group-ID bit is set, newly created subfiles inherit the same group as the directory, and newly created subdirectories inherit the set-group-ID bit of the parent directory.
An outer box-shadow casts a shadow as if the border-box of the element were opaque. Assuming a spread distance of zero, its perimeter has the exact same size and shape as the border box. The shadow is drawn outside the border edge only: it is clipped inside the border-box of the element.