А так как я использую оболочку phpmyadmin то мне же не нужно знать много команд SQL?
Что бы не изучать лишнего и пока сосредоточится на главном.
SELECT `articles`.`id` AS `id`, `articles`.`title` AS `title`,
GROUP_CONCAT(tags.title) AS `tagsDb`, GROUP_CONCAT(tag_weights.tag_weight) AS `tagsWeight`
FROM `articles` LEFT JOIN `articles_tags` ON `articles`.`id` = `articles_tags`.`article_id`
LEFT JOIN `tags` ON `articles_tags`.`tag_id` = `tags`.`id`
LEFT JOIN (SELECT `articles_tags`.`tag_id` AS `tag_id`,
COUNT(`article_id`) AS `tag_weight` FROM `articles_tags` GROUP BY `tag_id`)
AS `tag_weights` ON `articles_tags`.`tag_id` = `tag_weights`.`tag_id` WHERE `articles`.`id` = 336
$select = $sql->select('articles');
$select->where(array('articles.id = ?' => $id));
'articles_tags', 'articles.id = articles_tags.article_id',
'tags', 'articles_tags.tag_id = tags.id',
$subSelect = $sql->select('articles_tags');
'tag_weight' => new Expression('COUNT(`article_id`)')
array('tag_weights' => $subSelect),
'articles_tags.tag_id = tag_weights.tag_id',
'id' => 'id',
'title' => 'title',
'text' => 'text',
'summary' => 'summary',
'categoryId' => 'categoryId',
'author' => 'author',
'created' => 'created',
'updated' => 'updated',
'published' => 'published',
'isPublished' => 'isPublished',
'version' => 'version',
'tagsDb' => new Expression('GROUP_CONCAT(tags.title)'),
'tagsWeight' => new Expression('GROUP_CONCAT(tag_weights.tag_weight)')
id title tagsDb tagsWeight
336 sdaf tag1,tag2,tag3,qw 3,3,3,6
mysql_query(" SELECT position, player_id FROM battle WHERE id = '$battle' AND position IN($place) AND player_id != '$player' ");
* @see CommonModule::onLoad()
* CommonModule constructor.
* You can not change the constructor directly, but you can use onLoad function instead.
final function __construct()
* CommonModule constructor.
* You can not change the constructor directly, but you can use onLoad function instead.
* @see CommonModule::onLoad()
final function __construct()
function wpdocs_theme_name_scripts() {
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function my_js_variables() { ?>
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