namespace testnamespace;
class Test {
public function __construct() {
echo 'Hi';
new \Test; // Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Test' not found
class_alias('\testnamespace\Test', 'GlobalTest');
new \GlobalTest; // Hi
You can use the alias in GROUP BY, ORDER BY, or HAVING clauses.
Standard SQL disallows references to column aliases in a WHERE clause. This restriction is imposed because when the WHERE clause is evaluated, the column value may not yet have been determined.
на ios еще глазами не видел как делаютда не вопрос
$data = json_decode($data);
$data = array_column($data, 1);
$result = [];
for($i = 1, $size = count($data); $i < $size; ++$i) {
$result[$i] = $data[$i] - $data[$i - 1];
} > echo hash('sha256', 'bla-bla-bla');
> e29256c37ac614866b41c51eb8bf013d2f0b208988a21016e0abf6e81fc99c58