Далее я решил попробовать удалить данные своей банк карточки и у меня получилось)
Thank you for that.
Next i want to delete my card information
Rest assured the card details are never used without the consent of the user.
I want to be really sure about this. Therefore I ask you to remove my bank card details from the site.
Rest assured.
Your card details will never be used.
only you can access them.
The entire account is in red color and closed
means it will be used again only if you open it from your end.
12:45 PM
I want you to remove the card details from the site so that they are not visible even to me. Because there is always a risk that your databases will be hacked and your personal information, including bank card data, will be stolen. Please remove my card data from the site, for me. I'm asking you very much
Read Entire Message
Allow me a moment to do the same for you.
Yes, i wait
Let me inform you.
Your card has been removed.
Is there anything else I can help you with?
Thank you very mach, no i have no ask yet
Happy to help. You may receive an email with a survey link. Please take a moment to rate your experience and help us improve. Thanks!
Okay, no probem. Good bye
Войдите на сайт
Чтобы задать вопрос и получить на него квалифицированный ответ.
Thank you for that.
Next i want to delete my card information
Rest assured the card details are never used without the consent of the user.
I want to be really sure about this. Therefore I ask you to remove my bank card details from the site.
Rest assured.
Your card details will never be used.
only you can access them.
The entire account is in red color and closed
means it will be used again only if you open it from your end.
12:45 PM
I want you to remove the card details from the site so that they are not visible even to me. Because there is always a risk that your databases will be hacked and your personal information, including bank card data, will be stolen. Please remove my card data from the site, for me. I'm asking you very much
Read Entire Message
Allow me a moment to do the same for you.
Yes, i wait
Let me inform you.
Your card has been removed.
Is there anything else I can help you with?
Thank you very mach, no i have no ask yet
Happy to help. You may receive an email with a survey link. Please take a moment to rate your experience and help us improve. Thanks!
Okay, no probem. Good bye