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JavaScript Junior.

Как из CommonJS перевести в ES6?

Есть функции:

function findFiles(folderPath) {
    let files = []
    folderPath = isAbsolute(folderPath) ? folderPath : join(process.cwd(), folderPath)
    const folder = readdirSync(folderPath, { withFileTypes: true });

    for (const file of folder) {
        const pathFile = join(folderPath, file.name)
        if (file.isDirectory()) {
            files = [...files, ...findFiles(pathFile)]
    return files

function folderHandler(handlerPath, fn) {
    for (const file of findFiles(handlerPath)) {
        const { dir, base } = parse(file);
        const props = require(file);
        fn(props, base, parse(dir).name);

const props = require(file)
переделать в `import ... from ...`?
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