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Можно ли коммитить в удалённый репозиторий без SSH-ключа в Qt Creator?

Можно ли отправлять коммиты во внешний репозиторий, не создавая SSH-ключ или не вводя логин/пароль при отправке? Чтобы не добавлять новый ключ при смене компьютера.
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Решения вопроса 1
@sergey-kuznetsov Куратор тега Git
Коммитить напрямую в удалённый репозиторий невозможно, даже с паролем.
Наверное имелся в виду Push?
Для GitHub лучше сгенерировать персональный токен. Возиться с SSH не обязательно.
Тем более с 13 августа 2021 пароли перестанут работать.
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В сферический remote репозиторий в вакуме - можно
The Git Protocol

Finally, we have the Git protocol. This is a special daemon that comes packaged with Git; it listens on a dedicated port (9418) that provides a service similar to the SSH protocol, but with absolutely no authentication. In order for a repository to be served over the Git protocol, you must create a git-daemon-export-ok file — the daemon won’t serve a repository without that file in it — but, other than that, there is no security. Either the Git repository is available for everyone to clone, or it isn’t. This means that there is generally no pushing over this protocol. You can enable push access but, given the lack of authentication, anyone on the internet who finds your project’s URL could push to that project. Suffice it to say that this is rare.
The Pros

The Git protocol is often the fastest network transfer protocol available. If you’re serving a lot of traffic for a public project or serving a very large project that doesn’t require user authentication for read access, it’s likely that you’ll want to set up a Git daemon to serve your project. It uses the same data-transfer mechanism as the SSH protocol but without the encryption and authentication overhead.
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