Стоит вукомерс, в поле для ввода инпут ошибки выдает:
Error: Bad value for attribute max on element input: The empty string is not a valid floating point number.
From line 58, column 9450; to line 58, column 9626
</label> <input type=number id=quantity_5fceb31174eff class="gggg input-text qty text" step=1 min=1 max="" name=quantity value=1 title="Кол-во" size=4 placeholder="" inputmode=numeric /></div>
Error: Attribute size not allowed on element input at this point.
From line 58, column 9450; to line 58, column 9626
</label> <input type=number id=quantity_5fceb31174eff class="gggg input-text qty text" step=1 min=1 max="" name=quantity value=1 title="Кол-во" size=4 placeholder="" inputmode=numeric /></div>
Warning: The inputmode attribute is not supported in all browsers. Please be sure to test, and consider using a polyfill.
From line 58, column 9450; to line 58, column 9626
</label> <input type=number id=quantity_5fceb31174eff class="gggg input-text qty text" step=1 min=1 max="" name=quantity value=1 title="Кол-во" size=4 placeholder="" inputmode=numeric /></div>
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