Почему не работает ни одно значение Justify-content в bootstrap4?
Нужно выровнять по ширине два блока с текстом.Без bootstrap 4 все работает.Если применять Justify не через бутстрап атрибуты, а просто через файл css, тоже ничего не работает, почему?
ссылка на сайт galkin6.beget.tech
мне нужно понять почему я не могу применить ни одно значение d-flex при подключенном bootstrap4?
<section class='about'>
<div class="container">
<h2>About the event</h2>
<div class="description d-flex p-2 justify content-between">
<div class="desc-left">
<h3>Rebuilding the society</h3>
Burning Man is a network of people inspired by the values reflected in the Ten Principles and united in the pursuit of a more creative and connected existence in the world. Throughout the year we work to build Black Rock City, home of the largest annual Burning Man gathering, and nurture the distinctive culture emerging from that experience.
<div class="desc-right">
<h3>This drives us</h3>
Burning Man Project will bring experiences to people in grand, awe-inspiring and joyful ways that lift the human spirit, address social problems, and inspire a sense of culture, community, and civic engagement. Burning Man provides infrastructural tools and frameworks to support local communities in applying the Ten Principles through six interconnected program areas, including Arts, Civic Involvement, Culture, Education, Philosophical Center, and Social Enterprise.