Приветствую, пишу хранимую процедуру , которая при подтверждении заявки добавляет или обновляет данные в зависимости от их существования. В этой функции происходит добавление членов команды из полей другой таблицы . Добавление работает , а вот с update есть проблемы . Как можно реализовать множественный update . Пробовал через case не получается.
Код функции:
USE [fishing_Firm]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[insertBids] Script Date: 21.12.2019 16:49:32 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[insertBids] @id_bids int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
if not exists (select id_sailing from Sailings, Bids where date_sail = Bids.[Дата выхода] and date_return = Bids.[Дата Возвращения] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids)
insert into Sailings (date_sail, date_return, id_boat) values ((select [Дата выхода] from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select [Дата возвращения] from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_boat from BoatPassport, Bids where name = Bids.[Название судна] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids))
update Sailings set date_sail = (select [Дата выхода] from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), date_return = (select [Дата возвращения] from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), id_boat = (select id_boat from BoatPassport, Bids where name = Bids.[Название судна] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) from (SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Sailings , Bids where Sailings.date_sail = Bids.[Дата выхода] and Sailings.date_return = BIds.[Дата возвращения] ) as Selected
where Sailings.id_sailing = Selected.id_sailing
if not exists (select TeamName from Teams, Bids where TeamName = Bids.[Название команды] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids)
insert into Teams (TeamName, id_sailing) values ((select Bids.[Название команды] from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_sailing from Sailings, Bids where Sailings.date_sail = Bids.[Дата выхода] and Sailings.date_return = Bids.[Дата Возвращения] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids))
update Teams set TeamName = (select Bids.[Название команды] from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), id_sailing = (select id_sailing from Sailings, Bids where Sailings.date_sail = Bids.[Дата выхода] and Sailings.date_return = Bids.[Дата Возвращения] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) from Teams inner join Bids on TeamName = Bids.[Название команды]
if not exists (select name,adress from TeamMembers, Bids where (name = Bids.[Имя члена команды1] and adress = Bids.Адрес1 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) or (name = Bids.[Имя члена команды2] and adress = Bids.Адрес2) or (name = Bids.[Имя члена команды3] and adress = Bids.Адрес3 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) or
(name = Bids.[Имя члена команды4] and adress = Bids.Адрес4 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) or (name = Bids.[Имя члена команды5] and adress = Bids.Адрес5 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids))
insert into TeamMembers (name,adress, id_position, id_team) values ( (select Bids.[Имя члена команды1] from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select Bids.Адрес1 from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность1 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_team from Teams, Bids where TeamName = Bids.[Название команды] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids)),
( (select Bids.[Имя члена команды2] from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select Bids.Адрес2 from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность2 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_team from Teams, Bids where TeamName = Bids.[Название команды] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids)),
( (select Bids.[Имя члена команды3] from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select Bids.Адрес3 from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность3 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_team from Teams, Bids where TeamName = Bids.[Название команды] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids)),
( (select Bids.[Имя члена команды4] from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select Bids.Адрес4 from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность4 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_team from Teams, Bids where TeamName = Bids.[Название команды] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids)),
( (select Bids.[Имя члена команды5] from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select Bids.Адрес5 from Bids where Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность5 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_team from Teams, Bids where TeamName = Bids.[Название команды] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids))
if not exists (select Catches.id_catch from Catches,Bids, CatchPlacements where Catches.id_catchPlacements = CatchPlacements.id_catchPlacement and namePlacement = Bids.[Место ловли] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids)
insert into Catches (id_sailing,id_catchPlacements) values ((select id_sailing from Sailings, Bids where Bids.[Дата выхода] = Sailings.date_sail and Bids.[Дата возвращения] = Sailings.date_return and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids), (select id_catchPlacement from CatchPlacements, Bids where namePlacement = Bids.[Место ловли] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids))
Мой вариант update данных таблицы TeamMembers:
update TeamMembers set name = case when name = Bids.[Имя члена команды1] then Bids.[Имя члена команды1] when name = Bids.[Имя члена команды2] then Bids.[Имя члена команды2] when name = Bids.[Имя члена команды3] then Bids.[Имя члена команды3] when name = Bids.[Имя члена команды4] then Bids.[Имя члена команды4] else Bids.[Имя члена команды5] end, adress = case when adress = Bids.[Адрес1] then Bids.[Адрес1] when adress = Bids.[Адрес2] then Bids.[Адрес2] when adress = Bids.[Адрес3] then Bids.[Адрес3]
when adress = Bids.[Адрес4] then Bids.[Адрес4] else Bids.Адрес5 end, id_position = case when (select id_position from Positions) = (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность1 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) then (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность1 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) when (select id_position from Positions) = (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность2 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) then (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность2 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids)
when (select id_position from Positions) = (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность3 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) then (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность3 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) when (select id_position from Positions) = (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность4 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) then (select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность4 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) else
(select id_position from Positions, Bids where namePosition = Bids.Должность5 and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) end, id_team = (select id_team from Teams, Bids where TeamName = Bids.[Название команды] and Bids.Id_bids = @id_bids) from Bids
Колонки таблицы из которой происходит добавление или update: