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Что значит данный код?

Мне нужно вставить в свою работу код на BASIC, о котором я ничего не знаю, но так надо (такое требование). Можно буквально в двух словах "описать" этот код? Что здесь происходит?
Sub Main
    tempFile = DefaultFilePath & "\pick_and_place.txt"
    Open tempFile For Output As #1
        tempS = ""
    'Output table header
    For i = 0 to UBound(Columns)
        Print #1, Columns(i);
                Print #1, COMMA;
    Print #1
    'Output table rows
    For Each part in ActiveDocument.Components
            Print #1, part.Name;   
            Print #1, COMMA;
        Print #1, part.PartType;
                Print #1, COMMA;
        Print #1, part.Decal;
        Print #1, COMMA;

                tempS = ""
        For Each attr In part.Attributes
            If attr.Name = "Value" Then 
               If TypeName(attr.value) = "String"  Then
                        tempS = attr.value
                       End If
                    End If
        If Len(tempS)<1 Then
        End If
                Print #1, tempS;
        Print #1, COMMA;
        Print #1, ActiveDocument.LayerName(part.layer);
                Print #1, COMMA;
        Print #1, part.orientation;
                Print #1, COMMA;
        Print #1, Format(part.PositionX, "0.000");
        Print #1, COMMA;
        Print #1, Format(part.PositionY, "0.000");
        Print #1, COMMA;
        Print #1, Format(part.IsSMD, "Yes/No");
        Print #1
    Next part
    Close #1
End Sub
Sub ExportToExcel
    Dim xl As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xl =  GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
    On Error GoTo ExcelError    ' Enable error trapping.
    If xl Is Nothing Then
        Set xl =  CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    End If
    xl.Visible = True
    xl.Range("A1:J1").Font.Bold = True
    xl.Range("A1:J1").NumberFormat = "@"
    On Error GoTo 0 ' Disable error trapping. 
    Exit Sub    
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error Running Excel"
    On Error GoTo 0 ' Disable error trapping.    
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub OutCell (txt As String)
    Print #1, txt; vbTab;
End Sub
Sub FillClipboard
    ' Load whole file to string variable    
    tempFile = DefaultFilePath & "\temp.txt"
    Open tempFile  For Input As #1
    L = LOF(1)
    AllData$ = Input$(L,1)
    Close #1
    'Copy whole data to clipboard
    Clipboard AllData$ 
    'Kill tempFile

End Sub
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