# $Id: config 2017-08-7 23:09:00 Jack $
# Sample PowerMTA configuration file
# PowerMTA Multiple Virtual PMTA config file sample
# E-mail address for mailer's administrator (please specify!)
total-max-smtp-in 51
domain-key mail,jobless.su,/etc/dkim.key
# Settings per source IP address (for incoming SMTP connections)
always-allow-relaying yes # allow feeding from
process-x-virtual-mta yes # allow selection of a virtual MTA
max-message-size 0 # 0 implies no cap, in bytes
smtp-service yes # allow SMTP service
allow-mailmerge yes
always-allow-relaying yes
process-x-virtual-mta yes
max-message-size 0
smtp-service yes
<source 0/0> # matches all
log-connections no
log-commands no # WARNING: verbose!
log-data no # WARNING: even more verbose!
allow-unencrypted-plain-auth no
default-virtual-mta by-smtp-source-ip
process-x-virtual-mta yes
smtp-service yes
always-allow-api-submission yes
pattern-list group2
<pattern-list group2>
mail-from /jobless.su/ virtual-mta=mta0
<virtual-mta mta0>
auto-cold-virtual-mta jobless.su
domain-key mail,jobless.su,/etc/dkim.key
<domain *>
max-cold-virtual-mta-msg 100/day
dkim-sign yes
dkim-identity @jobless.su
smtp-source-host jobless.su
# SMTP users (authenticated via SMTP AUTH)
#<smtp-user API>
# password "changeme"
<smtp-user root>
password 68676
source {auth}
<source {auth}>
always-allow-relaying yes # allow feeding for defined users
process-x-virtual-mta yes # allow selection of a VirtualMTA
max-message-size 0 # 0 implies no cap, in bytes
smtp-service yes # allow SMTP service
require-auth true
default-virtual-mta by-smtp-source-ip
# Settings per outgoing domain
#<domain discard.port25.com>
# max-smtp-out 800
# route []:2525 # bypasses DNS resolution
#<domain test.port25.com>
# max-smtp-out 1
# log-connections yes
# log-commands yes # WARNING: verbose!
# log-resolution no # WARNING: verbose!
# log-data no # WARNING: even more verbose!
# "{gmImprinter}" is a special queue used for imprinting Goodmail tokens.
<domain {gmImprinter}>
max-events-recorded 150
log-messages yes
log-data no # extremely verbose, for debugging only
retry-after 15s
<domain *>
max-smtp-out 10000 # max. connections *per domain*
bounce-after 1m # 4 days, 12 hours
retry-after 10s # 10 minutes
#max-msg-rate 100/h
#max-msg-per-connection 20
max-errors-per-connection 10000
smtp-greeting-timeout 1m # added in v3.2r17
mx-connection-attempts 30000 # added in v3.2r16
# smtp-pattern-list backoff
# backoff-to-normal-after 2h # added in v3.5
#backoff-max-msg-rate 50/h # Use with PowerMTA 3.5
#backoff-retry-after 90m
dkim-sign yes
ignore-8bitmime true
# Goodmail imprinter configuration
# account-id ID # replace with value from mailcenter
# imprinter-id ID # replace with value from mailcenter
# imprinter-password PW # replace with value from mailcenter
# # If the directives below are not specified, defaults are picked as
# # described in the Goodmail documentation
# default-token-class 1 # optionally set as appropriate
# default-content-type 1 # optionally set as appropriate
# default-payer-id ID # optionally set as appropriate
# default-obo-id ID # optionally set as appropriate
# Port used for HTTP management interface
http-mgmt-port 8080
# IP addresses allowed to access the HTTP management interface, one
# per line
#http-access monitor
#http-access none
#http-access 10.1.0/24 admin
http-access admin
http-access 195.91/24 admin
http-access admin
# Synchronize I/O to disk after receiving the message. 'false' yields
# higher performance, but the message may be lost if the system crashes
# before it can write the data to disk.
sync-msg-create false
# Synchronize I/O to disk after updating the message (e.g., to mark recipients
# handled). 'false' yields higher performance, but if the system crashes
# before it can write the data to disk, some recipients may receive multiple
# copies of a message.
sync-msg-update false
# Whether to run the PowerMTA deamon as root
run-as-root no
# WARNING -- changing the settings below will probably break
# RPM installation, logrotate, etc.
# Logging file name
log-file /var/log/pmta/log # logrotate is used for rotation
# Accounting file(s)
<acct-file /var/log/pmta/acct.csv>
# move-to /opt/myapp/pmta-acct # configure as fit for your application
move-interval 5m
max-size 50M
# Spool directories
spool /var/spool/pmta
<smtp-pattern-list backoff>
не хватил место ... 2 часть ниже
# To place a queue back into normal mode, a command similar
# to one of the following will need to be run:
# pmta set queue mode=normal yahoo.com
# or
# pmta set queue mode=normal yahoo.com/vmta1
# To use backoff mode, uncomment individual <domain> directives
#Yahoo Errors
reply /421 .* Please try again later/ mode=backoff
reply /421 Message temporarily deferred/ mode=backoff
reply /VS3-IP5 Excessive unknown recipients/ mode=backoff
reply /VSS-IP Excessive unknown recipients/ mode=backoff
# The following 4 Yahoo errors may be very common
# Using them may result in high use of backoff mode
reply /[GL01] Message from/ mode=backoff
reply /[TS01] Messages from/ mode=backoff
reply /[TS02] Messages from/ mode=backoff
reply /[TS03] All messages from/ mode=backoff
#Hotmail Errors
reply /exceeded the rate limit/ mode=backoff
reply /exceeded the connection limit/ mode=backoff
reply /Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons/ mode=backoff
#Adelphia Errors
reply /421 Message Rejected/ mode=backoff
reply /Client host rejected/ mode=backoff
reply /blocked using UCEProtect/ mode=backoff
#Road Runner Errors
reply /Mail Refused/ mode=backoff
reply /421 Exceeded allowable connection time/ mode=backoff
reply /amIBlockedByRR/ mode=backoff
reply /block-lookup/ mode=backoff
reply /Too many concurrent connections from source IP/ mode=backoff
#General Errors
reply /too many/ mode=backoff
reply /Exceeded allowable connection time/ mode=backoff
reply /Connection rate limit exceeded/ mode=backoff
reply /refused your connection/ mode=backoff
reply /try again later/ mode=backoff
reply /try later/ mode=backoff
reply /550 RBL/ mode=backoff
reply /TDC internal RBL/ mode=backoff
reply /connection refused/ mode=backoff
reply /please see www.spamhaus.org/ mode=backoff
reply /message rejected/ mode=backoff
reply /Message Rejected/ mode=backoff
reply /refused by antispam/ mode=backoff
reply /Service not available/ mode=backoff
reply /currently blocked/ mode=backoff
reply /locally blacklisted/ mode=backoff
reply /not currently accepting mail from your ip/ mode=backoff
reply /421.*closing connection/ mode=backoff
reply /421.*Lost connection/ mode=backoff
reply /421 *connection limit exceeded/ mode=backoff
reply /476 connections from your host are denied/ mode=backoff
reply /421 Connection cannot be established/ mode=backoff
reply /421 temporary envelope failure/ mode=backoff
reply /421 4.4.2 Timeout while waiting for command/ mode=backoff
reply /450 Requested action aborted/ mode=backoff
reply /550 Access denied/ mode=backoff
/spam/ spam-related
/junk mail/ spam-related
/blacklist/ spam-related
/blocked/ spam-related
/\bU\.?C\.?E\.?\b/ spam-related
/\bAdv(ertisements?)?\b/ spam-related
/unsolicited/ spam-related
/\b(open)?RBL\b/ spam-related
/realtime blackhole/ spam-related
/http:\/\/basic.wirehub.nl\/blackholes.html/ spam-related
/\bvirus\b/ virus-related
/message +content/ content-related
/content +rejected/ content-related
/quota/ quota-issues
/limit exceeded/ quota-issues
/mailbox +(is +)?full/ quota-issues
/sender ((verify|verification) failed|could not be verified|address rejected|domain must exist)/ invalid-sender
/unable to verify sender/ invalid-sender
/requires valid sender domain/ invalid-sender
/bad sender's system address/ invalid-sender
/No MX for envelope sender domain/ invalid-sender
/^[45]\.4\.4/ routing-errors
/no mail hosts for domain/ invalid-sender
/Your domain has no(t)? DNS\/MX entries/ invalid-sender
/Domain of sender address/ invalid-sender
/return MX does not exist/ invalid-sender
/Invalid sender domain/ invalid-sender
/Verification failed/ invalid-sender
/\bstorage\b/ quota-issues
/(user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee) (has|has been|is)? *(currently|temporarily +)?(disabled|expired|inactive|not activated)/ inactive-mailbox
/(conta|usu.rio) inativ(a|o)/ inactive-mailbox
/Too many (bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable) (user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee)/ other
/(No such|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable) (local +)?(user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee)/ bad-mailbox
/(user|mailbox|recipient|rcpt|local part|address|account|mail drop|ad(d?)ressee) +(\S+@\S+ +)?(not (a +)?valid|not known|not here|not found|does not exist|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-mailbox
/\S+@\S+ +(is +)?(not (a +)?valid|not known|not here|not found|does not exist|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-mailbox
/no mailbox here by that name/ bad-mailbox
/my badrcptto list/ bad-mailbox
/not our customer/ bad-mailbox
/no longer (valid|available)/ bad-mailbox
/have a \S+ account/ bad-mailbox
/\brelay(ing)?/ relaying-issues
/domain (retired|bad|invalid|unknown|illegal|unavailable)/ bad-domain
/domain no longer in use/ bad-domain
/domain (\S+ +)?(is +)?obsolete/ bad-domain
/denied/ policy-related
/prohibit/ policy-related
/refused/ policy-related
/allowed/ policy-related
/banned/ policy-related
/policy/ policy-related
/suspicious activity/ policy-related
/bad sequence/ protocol-errors
/syntax error/ protocol-errors
/\broute\b/ routing-errors
/\bunroutable\b/ routing-errors
/\bunrouteable\b/ routing-errors
/Invalid 7bit DATA/ content-related
/^2.\d+.\d+;/ success
/^[45]\.1\.[1346];/ bad-mailbox
/^[45]\.1\.2/ bad-domain
/^[45]\.1\.[78];/ invalid-sender
/^[45]\.2\.0;/ bad-mailbox
/^[45]\.2\.1;/ inactive-mailbox
/^[45]\.2\.2;/ quota-issues
/^[45]\.3\.3;/ content-related
/^[45]\.3\.5;/ bad-configuration
/^[45]\.4\.1;/ no-answer-from-host
/^[45]\.4\.2;/ bad-connection
/^[45]\.4\.[36];/ routing-errors
/^[45]\.4\.7;/ message-expired
/^[45]\.5\.3;/ policy-related
/^[45]\.5\.\d+;/ protocol-errors
/^[45]\.6\.\d+;/ content-related
/^[45]\.7\.[012];/ policy-related
/^[45]\.7\.7;/ content-related
// other # catch-all