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Не работает CDR, хотя записи разговоров делает, как поченить FreePBX?

root@localhost:/# mv /var/log/asterisk/* .
root@localhost:/# fwconsole r
Reloading FreePBX
Successfully reloaded 
root@localhost:/# mv /var/log/asterisk/* .     
root@localhost:/# fwconsole r
Reloading FreePBX
Successfully reloaded  
root@localhost:/# cat /var/log/asterisk/freepbx.log  
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:30] [WARNING] (BMO/Notifications.class.php:507) - [NOTIFICATION]-[core]-[SWAP] - No Swap (Your system has no swap space. This should be 
fixed as soon as possible. Once fixed issue a reload to remove this message) 
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:37] [WARNING] (libraries/modulefunctions.legacy.php:7) - Depreciated Function module_getinfo detected in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/f
eaturecodes.functions.php on line 42     
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:38] [WARNING] (libraries/modulefunctions.legacy.php:7) - Depreciated Function module_getinfo detected in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/f
eaturecodes.functions.php on line 42     
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:40] [WARNING] (libraries/modulefunctions.legacy.php:7) - Depreciated Function module_getinfo detected in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/f
eaturecodes.functions.php on line 42     
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:40] [WARNING] (libraries/modulefunctions.legacy.php:7) - Depreciated Function module_getinfo detected in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/f
eaturecodes.functions.php on line 42     
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:40] [WARNING] (libraries/modulefunctions.legacy.php:7) - Depreciated Function module_getinfo detected in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/f
eaturecodes.functions.php on line 42     
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:40] [WARNING] (libraries/modulefunctions.legacy.php:7) - Depreciated Function module_getinfo detected in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/f
eaturecodes.functions.php on line 42     
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:40] [WARNING] (libraries/modulefunctions.legacy.php:7) - Depreciated Function module_getinfo detected in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/f
eaturecodes.functions.php on line 42     
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:40] [WARNING] (libraries/modulefunctions.legacy.php:7) - Depreciated Function module_getinfo detected in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/f
eaturecodes.functions.php on line 42     
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:41] [WARNING] (libraries/modulefunctions.legacy.php:7) - Depreciated Function module_getinfo detected in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/f
eaturecodes.functions.php on line 42     
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:42] [WARNING] (libraries/modulefunctions.legacy.php:7) - Depreciated Function module_getinfo detected in /var/www/html/admin/libraries/f
eaturecodes.functions.php on line 42     
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:44] [WARNING] (libraries/modulefunctions.legacy.php:7) - Depreciated Function module_getinfo detected in /var/www/html/admin/modules/cor
e/functions.inc.php on line 1008   
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:46] [WARNING] (core/functions.inc.php:6460) - Depreciated Function core_users_list detected in /var/www/html/admin/modules/core/function
s.inc.php on line 1611 
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:48] [WARNING] (core/functions.inc.php:6460) - Depreciated Function core_routing_list detected in /var/www/html/admin/modules/callrecordi
ng/functions.inc.php on line 382   
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:49] [WARNING] (core/functions.inc.php:6460) - Depreciated Function core_users_list detected in /var/www/html/admin/modules/queues/functi
ons.inc/queue_conf.php on line 97  
[2017-Jan-02 12:44:50] [WARNING] (core/functions.inc.php:6460) - Depreciated Function core_users_list detected in /var/www/html/admin/modules/core/function
s.inc.php on line 4080

Пытаюсь спросить на форуме community.freepbx.org, но от туда не приходит письмо....
Используется docker, на гитхабе добавил issue
ls /var/spool/asterisk/monitor.......
root@localhost:/# ls -lah /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/2017/01/02/in-s-79991637975-20170102-0*  
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 128K Jan  2 08:16 /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/2017/01/02/in-s-79991637975-20170102-081609-1483344969.1.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 397K Jan  2 08:19 /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/2017/01/02/in-s-79991637975-20170102-081903-1483345143.2.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk  89K Jan  2 08:38 /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/2017/01/02/in-s-79991637975-20170102-083810-1483346289.0.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk  63K Jan  2 09:17 /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/2017/01/02/in-s-79991637975-20170102-091656-1483348616.2.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk  57K Jan  2 09:19 /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/2017/01/02/in-s-79991637975-20170102-091941-1483348781.4.wav
fwconsole ma list
root@localhost:/# fwconsole ma list
No repos specified, using: [standard,extended] from last GUI settings  
| Module     | Version    | Status  | License |
| announcement     | 13.0.6     | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| asterisk-cli     | 13.0.4     | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| asteriskinfo     | 13.0.7     | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| builtin    || Enabled |   |
| callrecording    | 13.0.11    | Enabled | AGPLv3+ |
| cdr  |  | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| cel  | 13.0.26    | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| conferences|  | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| core | 13.0.117   | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| customappsreg    | 13.0.5     | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| dashboard  | 13.0.24    | Enabled | AGPLv3+ |
| featurecodeadmin |   | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| framework  | | Enabled | GPLv2+  |
| infoservices     | 13.0.1     | Enabled | GPLv2+  |
| ivr  | 13.0.26    | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| logfiles   |  | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| music| 13.0.22    | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| printextensions  | 13.0.3     | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| queues     |  | Enabled | GPLv2+  |
| recordings |  | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| sipsettings|  | Enabled | AGPLv3+ |
| soundlang  |  | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| ucp  |  | Enabled | AGPLv3+ |
| userman    |  | Enabled | AGPLv3+ |
| voicemail  |  | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
| weakpasswords    | 13.0.2     | Enabled | GPLv3+  |
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Ответы на вопрос 1
@Sanasol Куратор тега PHP
нельзя просто так взять и загуглить ошибку
Где вы CDR ищете?
Он из коробки пишется в файл.

Смотрите настройки, что там вообще происходит с CDR вашим.
Ни одного лога полезного не показали.

Записи разговоров с CDR связаны как пятка с глазом т.е. никак.

Лучший способ починить FreePBX, это удалить его и поставить чистый астер.
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