Добрый день. Мне нужна помощь в перекодировании jq. Суть вопроса проста. При клике на кнопку должно открываться "Модальный" предпросмотр новости. В моём случае нужно вставить определенное слово (
В HTML: сначала id="may"
, потом id="may-month"
), чтобы окно не повторялось. Как вставить код так, чтобы не нужно было вписывать определенное слово?
<div class="calendar-container transition">
<!-- YEAR -->
<div class="view-year">
<div class="title transition">
<img src="http://static-ptl-ru.gcdn.co/dcont/fb/image/tyrww.jpg" alt="">
<div class="grid">
<div id="may" class="month-item transition"><span class="centred">Общий тест обновления 9.132</span></div>
<!-- MONTH GEN -->
<div id="may-month" class="view-month view">
<div class="title active transition viwe">
<div class="go-back-month transition"><span></span></div>
<span class="month-name">Общий тест обновления 9.132</span>
<span class="date-year">Общие</span>
<div class="grid">
<!-- WEEK ROW -->
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
var month = '#' + $(this).attr('id') + '-month';
// genero l'effetto tocco material
var parent, ink, d, x, y;
parent = $('.view-year');
//creo elemento .ink se non esiste
if(parent.find(".ink").length == 0)
parent.prepend("<span style='background:" + $(month).children('.title').css('background-color') + "' class='ink'></span>");
ink = parent.find(".ink");
//incase of quick double clicks stop the previous animation
//setto dimensioni di .ink
if(!ink.height() && !ink.width())
//use parent's width or height whichever is larger for the diameter to make a circle which can cover the entire element.
d = Math.max(parent.outerWidth(), parent.outerHeight());
ink.css({height: d, width: d});
//get click coordinates
//logic = click coordinates relative to page - parent's position relative to page - half of self height/width to make it controllable from the center;
x = e.pageX - parent.offset().left - ink.width()/2;
y = e.pageY - parent.offset().top - ink.height()/2;
//set the position and add class .animate
ink.css({top: y+'px', left: x+'px'}).addClass("animate");
}, 100);
var month = $(this).parent().parent().parent().children('.title').children('.month-name').text();
var day = $(this).text();
// genero l'effetto tocco material
var parent, ink, d, x, y;
parent = $(this).parent().parent().parent('.view-month');
//creo elemento .ink se non esiste
if(parent.find(".ink").length == 0)
parent.prepend("<span style='background-color:" + $(this).parent().parent().parent().children('.title').css('background-color') + "' class='ink'></span>");
ink = parent.find(".ink");
//incase of quick double clicks stop the previous animation
//setto dimensioni di .ink
if(!ink.height() && !ink.width())
//use parent's width or height whichever is larger for the diameter to make a circle which can cover the entire element.
d = Math.max(parent.outerWidth(), parent.outerHeight());
ink.css({height: d, width: d});
//get click coordinates
//logic = click coordinates relative to page - parent's position relative to page - half of self height/width to make it controllable from the center;
x = e.pageX - parent.offset().left - ink.width()/4;
y = e.pageY - parent.offset().top - ink.height()/2;
//set the position and add class .animate
ink.css({top: y+'px', left: x+'px'}).addClass("animate");
$('.view-month').prepend("<div class='view-day'><div class='title active transition'><div onclick='gobackDay();' class='go-back-day transition'><span></span></div>" + "<span class='day-name'>" + day + "</span> " + "<span class='month-name small'>" + month + "</span>" + " <span class='date-year'>2015</span></div><div class='grid'><p class='centred'>No events today, relax.</p></div></div>");
}, 500);
function gobackDay(){
}, 500);
}, 500);
}, 1000);
}, 500);
}, 500);
}, 1000);