Всем доброго,
можно ли подружить
Cisco AIR-WLC4402/50-K9 Wi-Fi
и точки
cisco AIR-AP1815I-R-K9
есть подозрение в несовместимости версий контроллера ( и точек (
Discovery response from MWAR 'wlc' running version is rejected.
Failed to decode discovery response(status = 4).
CAPWAP SM handler: Failed to process message type 2 state 2.
Failed to handle capwap control message from controller - status 4
Failed to process unencrypted capwap packet 0x56737000 from
Failed to send capwap message 0 to the state machine. Packet already freed.
CRIT-MeshWiredAdj[0][BC:26:C7:C3:24:78]: Blacklisting Adjacency due to CAPWAP TIMEOUT
CRIT-MeshWiredAdj[0][BC:26:C7:C3:24:78]: Remove as Parent
CRIT-MeshLink: Link Down Block Root port Mac: BC:26:C7:C3:24:78 BH Id: 0 Port:0 Device:DEVNO_WIRED0
CRIT-MeshWiredBackhaul[0]: Remove as uplink