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Какой посоветуете XML-парсер для C++?

Правда условие, чтобы много библиотек не тянуло и было кроссплатформенно.
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Еще один программист
Везде рекомендуют www.sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml
Если сами писать будете, можно начать с
Собственно проблема только в быстром и качественном парсинге текста, остальное дело техники.
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Ответы на вопрос 5
Директор КБ. Разработчик АСУ ТП.
Ежели есть время, то можно и самому написать. Вещь интересная, затягивает. Куча нюансов! +5 к опыту. :)
Ответ написан

pugixml is a light-weight C++ XML processing library. It features:

* DOM-like interface with rich traversal/modification capabilities
* Extremely fast non-validating XML parser which constructs the DOM tree from an XML file/buffer
* XPath 1.0 implementation for complex data-driven tree queries
* Full Unicode support with Unicode interface variants and automatic encoding conversions

The library is extremely portable and easy to integrate and use.

pugixml is developed and maintained since 2006 and has many users. All code is distributed under the MIT license, making it completely free to use in both open-source and proprietary applications.
Ответ написан
Ответ написан
Senior Java Developer.
Думаю можно QtXml попробовать — кроссплатформенно, да и тянет немного…
Ответ написан

pugixml is a light-weight C++ XML processing library. It features:

* DOM-like interface with rich traversal/modification capabilities
* Extremely fast non-validating XML parser which constructs the DOM tree from an XML file/buffer
* XPath 1.0 implementation for complex data-driven tree queries
* Full Unicode support with Unicode interface variants and automatic encoding conversions

The library is extremely portable and easy to integrate and use.

pugixml is developed and maintained since 2006 and has many users. All code is distributed under the MIT license, making it completely free to use in both open-source and proprietary applications.
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