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adamos@AsfodelNext:/media/work/src/cocos2d-x-4.0/cocos/3d$ ls
Android.mk CCBundle3D.h CCPlane.h
CC3DProgramInfo.cpp CCBundleReader.cpp CCRay.cpp
CC3DProgramInfo.h CCBundleReader.h CCRay.h
CCAABB.cpp CCFrustum.cpp CCSkeleton3D.cpp
CCAABB.h CCFrustum.h CCSkeleton3D.h
CCAnimate3D.cpp CCMesh.cpp CCSkybox.cpp
CCAnimate3D.h CCMesh.h CCSkybox.h
CCAnimation3D.cpp CCMeshSkin.cpp CCSprite3D.cpp
CCAnimation3D.h CCMeshSkin.h CCSprite3D.h
CCAnimationCurve.h CCMeshVertexIndexData.cpp CCSprite3DMaterial.cpp
CCAnimationCurve.inl CCMeshVertexIndexData.h CCSprite3DMaterial.h
CCAttachNode.cpp CCMotionStreak3D.cpp CCTerrain.cpp
CCAttachNode.h CCMotionStreak3D.h CCTerrain.h
CCBillBoard.cpp CCOBB.cpp CCVertexAttribBinding.cpp
CCBillBoard.h CCOBB.h CCVertexAttribBinding.h
CCBundle3D.cpp CCObjLoader.cpp CMakeLists.txt
CCBundle3DData.cpp CCObjLoader.h cocos3d.h
CCBundle3DData.h CCPlane.cpp
Open Source Cross-Platform Game Development Framework
Cocos2d-x is a mature open source cross-platform game development framework that supports 2D and 3D game creation. The engine provides rich functions such as graphics rendering, GUI, audio, network, physics, user input, etc., and is widely used in game development and interactive application construction. Its core is written in C++ and supports development in C++, Lua or JavaScript. Cocos2d-x deploys to iOS, Android, HTML5, Windows and Mac systems with features focused on native mobile platforms.