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Написал код для скачивания видео из ютуба.Но показывает такую ошибку videos = open(puty, 'rb') .В чем проблема?

async def ytmp(message: types.Message):
yt = YouTube(str(message))

stream = yt.streams.get_by_itag(22)
puty = 'test/'
videos = open(puty, 'rb')
await message.answer_video(
caption='Скачано в '
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та еще зажигалка...
что-то маловато кода, можешь портировать мой старый PHP класс
 * Downloads videos from [YouTube](https://youtube.com).
 * @author info@ensostudio.ru
class YouTubeVideo
     * YouTube video formats and file extensions
    public const FORMATS = [
        '5'   => 'flv',
        '6'   => 'flv',
        '34'  => 'flv',
        '35'  => 'flv',
        '18'  => 'mp4',
        '22'  => 'mp4',
        '37'  => 'mp4',
        '38'  => 'mp4',
        '83'  => 'mp4',
        '82'  => 'mp4',
        '85'  => 'mp4',
        '84'  => 'mp4',
        '43'  => 'webm',
        '44'  => 'webm',
        '45'  => 'webm',
        '46'  => 'webm',
        '100' => 'webm',
        '101' => 'webm',
        '102' => 'webm',
        '13'  => '3gp',
        '17'  => '3gp',
        '36'  => '3gp',

     * @var string Video ID
    protected string $id;
     * @var array|false Video data
    protected $info;
     * @var array|false List of links
    protected $links;

     * @param string $id the video identifier
     * @return void
    public function __construct(string $id)
        $this->id = $id;

     * Gets information about video.
     * @return array|false
    public function getInfo()
        if (!isset($this->info)) {
            // Loads video data
            $curl = curl_init('https://youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id=' . $this->id);
                    CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 5,
                    CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
                    CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,
                    CURLOPT_HEADER => false,
            $data = curl_exec($curl);

            // Parses data
            parse_str($data, $this->info);

            if (empty($this->info) || empty($this->info['status']) || $this->info['status'] !== 'ok') {
                $this->info = false;

        return $this->info;

     * Gets direct links to video.
     * @return array|false
    public function getLinks()
        if (!isset($this->links)) {
            $this->links = false;
            $info = $this->getInfo();
            if ($info !== false) {
                $linksMap = explode(',', $info['url_encoded_fmt_stream_map']);
                if (!empty($linksMap)) {
                    $fmtList = explode(',', $info['fmt_list']);
                    foreach ($linksMap as $key => $link) {
                        parse_str($link, $parts);
                        $fmtParts = explode('/', $fmtList[$key], 3);
                        $ext = static::FORMATS[$parts['itag']];
                        // Creates array of information about video
                        $this->links[$ext . '-' . $fmtParts[1]] = [
                            'ext' => $ext,
                            'sizes' => $fmtParts[1],
                            'url' => $parts['url'],

        return $this->links;

     * Downloads video to local directory.
     * @param string $format the video format
     * @param string $dir the directory to save video
     * @param string|null $name the name of video file without extension
     * @return void
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    public function load(string $format, string $dir, string $name = null)
        $links = $this->getLinks();
        if ($links === false || !isset($links[$format])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("Video in format '$format' not found");

        // Sets default name of video file
        if ($name === null) {
            $info = $this->getInfo();
            $name = $info === false ? $this->id : $info['title'];
        $name = preg_replace('/[^-.\w]+/ui', '_', $name);

        // Handler of video copy
        $file = fopen(realpath($dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '.' . $links[$format]['ext'], 'w');
        if ($file) {
            $url = $links[$format]['url'] . '&title=' . urlencode($name);
            $curl = curl_init($url);
                    CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
                    CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,
                    CURLOPT_HEADER => false,
                    CURLOPT_FILE => $file

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