
RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback?

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from config import data
import clashroyale

def chests(text):
    d = {}
    text = text.replace("<","{")
    text = text.replace(">","}")
    text = text.replace("Refreshable","'Refreshable'")
    text = eval(text[:text.index(']')+1])
    for i in text:
        d[i['Refreshable']['index']] = i['Refreshable']['name']
    return d

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = data['prefix'])
client_cr = clashroyale.official_api.Client(data['token_cr'])

async def chests(ctx, arg):
    await ctx.send(chests(client_cr.get_player_chests(arg)))


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