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Как исправить ошибку в lighthouse.js not supported в Gulp?

Здравствуйте, подскажите, почему выдается ошибка при запуске Gulp ?
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs').promises
const open = require('open')
const server = require('browser-sync').create()
const del = require('del')
const lighthouse = require('lighthouse')
const chromeLauncher = require('chrome-launcher')
const { write } = require('lighthouse/lighthouse-cli/printer')
const reportGenerator = require('lighthouse/lighthouse-core/report/report-generator')

const config = require('../config')

async function getNameHTMLFiles() {
  const files = await fs.readdir(config.buildPath)

  return files.filter(item => item.endsWith('.html'))

function startServer() {
  return server.init({
    server: config.buildPath,
    port: config.lighthouse.PORT,
    notify: false,
    open: false,
    cors: true

async function launchChromeAndRunLighthouse(url) {
  const chrome = await chromeLauncher.launch()
  config.lighthouse.chromeLauncherPort = chrome.port

  const result = await lighthouse(url, {
    port: config.lighthouse.chromeLauncherPort
  }, config.lighthouse.config)
  await chrome.kill()

  return result

async function runLighthouse(fileName) {
  const result = await launchChromeAndRunLighthouse(`http://localhost:${config.lighthouse.PORT}/${fileName}`)

  await write(reportGenerator.generateReportHtml(result.lhr), 'html', path.join(config.lighthouse.reportPath, fileName))

module.exports = async function lighthouse(cb) {
  await del(config.lighthouse.reportPath)
  await fs.mkdir(config.lighthouse.reportPath)

  const files = await getNameHTMLFiles()

  try {
    for (const file of files) {
      await runLighthouse(file)

    for (const file of files) {
      await open(path.join(config.lighthouse.reportPath, file))
    process.exit(0) //browser-sync API server.exit() do not work
  } catch (e) {
    process.exit(1) //browser-sync API server.exit() do not work

const path = require('path')

const root = path.join(__dirname, '../')
const src = path.join(root, 'src')

module.exports = {
  buildPath: path.join(root, '/build'),
  pug2html: {
    beautifyHtml: false
  lighthouse: {
    reportPath: path.join(root, 'reports'),
    PORT: 8080,
    chromeLauncherPort: 9222,
    config: {
      extends: 'lighthouse:default'
    flags: {
      // available options - https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/#cli-options
      chromeFlags: ['--show-paint-rects'],
      output: 'html'
  copyDependencies: {
    dist: path.join(src, 'local_modules')

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