Доброго времени суток.
Я решил сделать простую текстовою игру и превратить её в telegram bota используя модуль "telebot" .
Но он выдаёт ошибку: TypeError: send_message() missing 1 required positional argument: 'text'
Вот код:
from time import sleep
import telebot
bot = telebot.TeleBot("TOKEN")
def send_echo(message):
m = 0
while 1:
if m == 1:
coins = 100
house = 100
farm = 1
barracks = 1
barracks1 = 0
day = 0
train_farm = 0
while 1:
day += 1
bot.send_message('Day: ' + str(day))
a = message.text('What do you want to do:build, display data, train, help: ')
if house >= 100:
bot.send_message('You win!')
win = (message.text('you want to start over?: '))
if win == 'yes':
bot.send_message('You started from the beginning')
elif win == 'not':
m = 1
coins += (farm or farm * train_farm)
farm1 = house // farm
barracks1 = house // barracks
coins1 = coins
if a == '':
bot.send_message('1 day has passed')
elif a == '1':
b = str(message.text('House,farm,casern: ')).lower()
if b == ('house' and '1'):
coins1 = coins - 50
if '-' in str(coins1):
bot.send_message('\nNot coins')
coins -= 50
bot.send_message('\nBild house')
house += 1
elif b == ('farm' and '2'):
coins1 = coins - 100
if '-' in str(coins1):
bot.send_message('\nNot coins')
if farm > farm1:
bot.send_message('\nFew house')
coins -= 100
bot.send_message('\nBild farm')
farm += 1
elif b == ('barracks' and '3'):
coins1 = coins - 200
if '-' in str(coins1):
bot.send_message('\nNot coins')
if barracks >= barracks1:
bot.send_message('\nFew house')
coins -= 200
bot.send_message('\nBild casern')
barracks += 1
elif a == '2':
bot.send_message('Coins: ' + str(coins))
bot.send_message('House: ' + str(house))
bot.send_message('Farm: ' + str(farm))
bot.send_message('Casern: ' + str(barracks))
bot.send_message('Train farm: ' + str(train_farm))
elif a == '3':
p = str(message.text('Train:farm: ')).lower()
if p == ('farm' and '1'):
coins1 = coins - 100
if '-' in str(coins1):
bot.send_message('\nNot coins')
elif train_farm == 10:
bot.send_message('Max train farm')
elif (train_farm < barracks or train_farm < 10):
coins -= 100
bot.send_message('\nTrain farm')
train_farm += 1
bot.send_message('Few casern')
elif a == ('4' and 'help'):
bot.send_message('Build houses, farms, casern')
bot.send_message('Improve your farms')
bot.send_message('And if you have 100 houses you will win')
bot.send_message('Build(1), display data(2), train(3)')
bot.send_message('\nNot command\n')
coins -= farm
day -= 1
bot.polling( none_stop = True )