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Как восстановить бэкап из файла bacula?

Добрый день!
Есть файл backup :
/var/bacula/storage# ls -la
-rwxrwxrwx 2 bacula bacula 1103312638023 Фев 11 08:06 fullbackup-storage-backup-20140104-084143

Необходимо вытащить все, что в нем есть.
Опыта работы с bacula нет. Ознакомились с ней только вчера.

Что мы делаем: (вывод bacula сократил)
/etc/bacula# bconsole
Connecting to Director
1000 OK: backup-dir Version: 5.0.2 (28 April 2010)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select
Select item:  (1-13): 3
Enter JobId(s), comma separated, to restore: 2828
You have selected the following JobId: 2828
Building directory tree for JobId(s) 2828 ...  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1,227,854 files inserted into the tree.
cwd is: /
$ ls
mark var/ 
6,817 files marked.
$ done 
Bootstrap records written to /var/lib/bacula/backup-dir.restore.7.bsr

The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
    fullbackup-storage-backup storage-FileStorage       storage-FileStorage      

Volumes marked with "*" are online.

6,817 files selected to be restored.

The defined Restore Job resources are:
     1: gateway-restore
     2: tfs-restore
     3: www-restore
     4: storage-restore
     5: server-restore
     6: force-restore
Select Restore Job (1-6): 
Defined Clients:
     1: BcupStorage-fd
     2: f-server-fd
     3: force-fd
     4: gateway-fd
     5: park-dc-fd
     6: server-fd
     7: storage-fd
     8: tfs-fd
     9: vmhost-fd
    10: www-fd
Select the Client (1-10): 3
Run Restore job
JobName:         force-restore
Bootstrap:       /var/lib/bacula/backup-dir.restore.7.bsr
Where:           /mnt/store
Replace:         always
FileSet:         force-FileSet
Backup Client:   force-fd
Restore Client:  force-fd
Storage:         storage-FileStorage
When:            2014-06-19 17:48:32
Catalog:         MyCatalog
Priority:        10
Plugin Options:  *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=2989
19-Июн 17:49 backup-dir JobId 2989: Start Restore Job force-restore.2014-06-19_17.49.14_11
19-Июн 17:49 backup-dir JobId 2989: Using Device "storage-FileStorage"
19-Июн 17:49 storage JobId 2989: Ready to read from volume "fullbackup-storage-backup-20140104-084143" on device "storage-FileStorage" (/var/bacula/storage).
19-Июн 17:49 storage JobId 2989: Forward spacing Volume "fullbackup-storage-backup-20140104-084143" to file:block 0:3999744094.
19-Июн 17:49 storage JobId 2989: Error: block.c:275 Volume data error at 0:3999744094! Wanted ID: "BB02", got "". Buffer discarded.
19-Июн 17:49 storage JobId 2989: Fatal error: fd_cmds.c:169 Command error with FD, hanging up.
19-Июн 17:49 backup-dir JobId 2989: Error: Bacula backup-dir 5.0.2 (28Apr10): 19-Июн-2014 17:49:17
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu debian 6.0.6
  JobId:                  2989
  Job:                    force-restore.2014-06-19_17.49.14_11
  Restore Client:         force-fd
  Start time:             19-Июн-2014 17:49:16
  End time:               19-Июн-2014 17:49:17
  Files Expected:         6,817
  Files Restored:         0
  Bytes Restored:         0
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  FD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  Error
  Termination:            *** Restore Error ***

19-Июн 17:49 backup-dir JobId 2989: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
19-Июн 17:49 backup-dir JobId 2989: No Jobs found to prune.
19-Июн 17:49 backup-dir JobId 2989: Begin pruning Jobs.
19-Июн 17:49 backup-dir JobId 2989: No Files found to prune.
19-Июн 17:49 backup-dir JobId 2989: End auto prune.

При всем этом не хочет только 2 каталога /mnt и /var все остальное копирует без вопросов.
Бэкап восстанвливается на другой клиент, старый помер.

cat bacula-dir.conf
Director { 
    Name = backup-dir 
    Dirport = 9101
    QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/scripts/query.sql" #набор sql запросов для работы с метаданными 
    WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula" 
    PidDirectory = "/var/run/bacula" 
    Password = "*****************"
    Messages = Daemon
    DirAddress =
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10

Catalog {
    Name = MyCatalog
    dbname = bacula; DB Address = ""; user = bacula; password = "**********"

Console {
    Name = bacup-mon
    Password = "****************"
    CommandACL = status, .status


Storage { 
    Name = storage
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Address =
    SDPort = 9103 
    Password = "*************" 
    Device = FileStorage
    Media Type = File

JobDefs {
    Name = "DefaultBackup"
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
    Type = Backup
    Level = Incremental
    Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
    Messages = Standard
    Pool = Default
    Priority = 10

JobDefs {
    Name = "DefaultRestore"
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Type = Restore
    Pool = Default
    Messages = Standard
    Where = /mnt/store

Schedule {
    Name = "WeeklyCycle"
    Run = Level=Full Pool=fullbackup-pool 1st fri at 23:05
    Run = Level=Differential Pool=diffbackup-pool 2nd-5th fri at 23:05
    Run = Level=Incremental Pool=incbackup-pool sat,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu at 23:05

Schedule {
    Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
    Run = Full sun-sat at 23:10

Pool {
    Name = Default
    Pool Type = Backup
    Recycle = yes # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
    AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
    Volume Retention = 365 days # one year
    Label Format = "default-${Job}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}"

Pool {
    Name = Scratch
    Pool Type = Backup

Pool {
    Name = fullbackup-pool
    Pool Type = Backup
    Volume Retention = 200 days
    AutoPrune = yes
    RecyclePool = Scratch
    Recycle = yes
    Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
    Label Format = "fullbackup-${Job}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}${Second:p/2/0/r}"
    Use Volume Once = Yes

Pool {
    Name = diffbackup-pool
    Pool Type = Backup
    Volume Retention = 40 days
    AutoPrune = yes
    RecyclePool = Scratch
    Recycle = yes
    Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
    Label Format = "diffbackup-${Job}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}${Second:p/2/0/r}"
    Use Volume Once = Yes

Pool {
    Name = incbackup-pool
    Pool Type = Backup
    Volume Use Duration = 7 days
    Volume Retention = 8 days
    AutoPrune = yes
    RecyclePool = Scratch
    Recycle = yes
    Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
    Label Format = "incbackup-${Job}-${Year}${Month:p/2/0/r}${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}${Minute:p/2/0/r}${Second:p/2/0/r}"
    Use Volume Once = Yes


cat force-dir.conf 
# tfs dir
# Client (File Services) to backup
Job {
    Name = "force-backup"
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
    JobDefs = "DefaultBackup"
    Client = force-fd
    FileSet = "force-FileSet"
    Storage = force-FileStorage

Job {
    Name = "force-restore"
    JobDefs = "DefaultRestore"
    Client = "force-fd"
    FileSet = "force-FileSet" 
    Storage = force-FileStorage 

Client {
    Name = force-fd
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
    Address =
    FDPort = 9102
    Catalog = MyCatalog
    Password = "**********" # password for FileDaemon
    File Retention = 60 days # 30 days
    Job Retention = 6 months # six months
    AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired Jobs/Files

# List of files to be backed up
FileSet {
    Name = "force-FileSet"
    Include {
        Options {
            signature = MD5
            compression = GZIP
        File = "/boot/"

# Definition of file storage device
Storage {
    Name = force-FileStorage
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
    Address =
    SDPort = 9103
    Password = "***********"
    Device = force-FileStorage
    Media Type = force-File

С клиента на который пытаемся восстановить:
Director {
        Name = backup-dir
        Password = "***********"

FileDaemon {
        Name = force-fd
        FDport = 9102
        WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/bacula
        Pid Directory = /var/run/bacula
        FDAddress =
        Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

Messages {
        Name = Standard
        director = bckup-dir = all, !skipped, !restored

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Ответы на вопрос 1
Я не совсем понимаю, как вы собираетесь восстанавливать /mnt и /var, если в наборе файлов, которые бэкапились прежде, указан только каталог /boot ?

# List of files to be backed up
FileSet {
    Name = "force-FileSet"
    Include {
        Options {
            signature = MD5
            compression = GZIP
        File = "/boot/"
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