Starting: C:\Users\User\go\bin\dlv.exe dap --check-go-version=false --listen= from c:\Users\User\goprojects
DAP server listening at:
Build Error: go build -o c:\Users\User\goprojects\__debug_bin.exe -gcflags all=-N -l .
# modica
.\global_variables.go:9:6: main redeclared in this block
.\about_functions.go:5:6: other declaration of main
.\global_variables.go:16:6: second redeclared in this block
.\about_functions.go:11:6: other declaration of second
.\go1.go:5:6: main redeclared in this block
.\about_functions.go:5:6: other declaration of main
.\multiply_assignment.go:5:6: main redeclared in this block
.\about_functions.go:5:6: other declaration of main (exit status 2)