Решил таким способом:
import isWhat, {isPlainObject, isSymbol, isArray} from 'is-what'
const array = [
date: '22.09',
schedule: [
key2: '3123123dadkaksjd',
key: [
{a: 0, b: 2, text: 'dasd'},
{a: 4, b:4, text: 'dasdsad'}
key2: 'asdaosdio',
key: [
{a: 0, b: 2, text: 'dasd'},
{a: 4, b:4, text: 'dasdsad'}
_data: {
teachers: [{name: 'dasd', cab: 224}, {name: 'oaoaoa', cab: 444}],
subjs: [{name: 'Math', a: 1, b: 2}, {name: 'Computer Science', a: 4, b: 6}]
date: '22.09',
schedule: [
key2: 'darpoqoe',
key: [
{a: 8, b: 2, text: 'dasdasd'},
{a: 4, b:0, text: 'zcxzxczxc'}
key2: 'cmz.x,m,xzc',
key: [
{a: 323, b: 97, text: 'cmzkxcmzx.c'},
{a: 41, b:33, text: 'zxcmzxm,cn'}
_data: {
teachers: [{name: 'Daposdpods', cab: 2242}, {name: 'ADnmx', cab: 4414}],
subjs: [{name: 'Lang', a: 1, b: 2}, {name: 'XZxxz', a: 4, b: 6}]
date: '23.09',
schedule: [
key2: 'aspdpasdop',
key: [
{a: 8, b: 2, text: 'zxczxczxc'},
{a: 4, b:0, text: 'zcxzxczxc'}
key2: '123123124',
key: [
{a: 323, b: 97, text: '4123213fxzc.c'},
{a: 41, b:33, text: 'zxcmz123123ncmzxm,cn'}
_data: {
teachers: [{name: 'Daposzxczxcdpods', cab: 2242}, {name: 'AvzxcDnmx', cab: 4414}],
subjs: [{name: 'Lanvzxg', a: 1, b: 2}, {name: 'XZxxz', a: 4, b: 6}]
function assignProp(carry, key, newVal, originalObject) {
var propType = {}.propertyIsEnumerable.call(originalObject, key)
? 'enumerable'
: 'nonenumerable';
if (propType === 'enumerable')
carry[key] = newVal;
if (propType === 'nonenumerable') {
Object.defineProperty(carry, key, {
value: newVal,
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
configurable: true,
function __spreadArrays() {
for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
r[k] = a[j];
return r;
function concatArrays(originVal, newVal) {
if (isArray(originVal) && isArray(newVal)) {
// concat logic
return originVal.concat(newVal);
return newVal; // always return newVal as fallback!!
function mergeRecursively(origin, newComer, compareFn) {
// always return newComer if its not an object
if (!isPlainObject(newComer))
return newComer;
// define newObject to merge all values upon
var newObject = {};
if (isPlainObject(origin)) {
var props_1 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(origin);
var symbols_1 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(origin);
newObject = __spreadArrays(props_1, symbols_1).reduce(function (carry, key) {
var targetVal = origin[key];
if ((!isSymbol(key) && !Object.getOwnPropertyNames(newComer).includes(key)) ||
(isSymbol(key) && !Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(newComer).includes(key))) {
assignProp(carry, key, targetVal, origin);
return carry;
}, {});
// newObject has all properties that newComer hasn't
var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(newComer);
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(newComer);
var result = __spreadArrays(props, symbols).reduce(function (carry, key) {
// re-define the origin and newComer as targetVal and newVal
var newVal = newComer[key];
var targetVal = isPlainObject(origin) ? origin[key] : undefined;
// When newVal is an object do the merge recursively
if (targetVal !== undefined && isPlainObject(newVal)) {
newVal = mergeRecursively(targetVal, newVal, compareFn);
var propToAssign = compareFn ? compareFn(targetVal, newVal, key) : newVal;
assignProp(carry, key, propToAssign, newComer);
return carry;
}, newObject);
return result;
function mergeAndConcat(object) {
var otherObjects = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
otherObjects[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
// @ts-ignore
return otherObjects.reduce(function (result, newComer) {
return mergeRecursively(result, newComer, concatArrays);
}, object);
const getUnqiueKeyValues = (array, key) => {
const result = []
array.forEach((v) => {
const keyValue = v[key]
if (!result.some((obj) => obj === keyValue)) {
return result
const mergeNotUniqueObjectsByKey = (array, key) => {
const uniqueKeyValues = getUnqiueKeyValues(array, key)
const resultArray = []
uniqueKeyValues.forEach((date) => {
const matches = array.filter((_) => _.date === date)
const merged = mergeAndConcat(...matches)
return resultArray
mergeNotUniqueObjectsByKey(array, 'date')
date: '22.09',
schedule: [
key2: '3123123dadkaksjd',
key: [
{ a: 0, b: 2, text: 'dasd' },
{ a: 4, b: 4, text: 'dasdsad' }
key2: 'asdaosdio',
key: [
{ a: 0, b: 2, text: 'dasd' },
{ a: 4, b: 4, text: 'dasdsad' }
key2: 'darpoqoe',
key: [
{ a: 8, b: 2, text: 'dasdasd' },
{ a: 4, b: 0, text: 'zcxzxczxc' }
key2: 'cmz.x,m,xzc',
key: [
{ a: 323, b: 97, text: 'cmzkxcmzx.c' },
{ a: 41, b: 33, text: 'zxcmzxm,cn' }
_data: {
teachers: [
{ name: 'dasd', cab: 224 },
{ name: 'oaoaoa', cab: 444 },
{ name: 'Daposdpods', cab: 2242 },
{ name: 'ADnmx', cab: 4414 }
subjs: [
{ name: 'Math', a: 1, b: 2 },
{ name: 'Computer Science', a: 4, b: 6 },
{ name: 'Lang', a: 1, b: 2 },
{ name: 'XZxxz', a: 4, b: 6 }
date: '23.09',
schedule: [
key2: 'aspdpasdop',
key: [
{ a: 8, b: 2, text: 'zxczxczxc' },
{ a: 4, b: 0, text: 'zcxzxczxc' }
key2: '123123124',
key: [
{ a: 323, b: 97, text: '4123213fxzc.c' },
{ a: 41, b: 33, text: 'zxcmz123123ncmzxm,cn' }
_data: {
teachers: [
{ name: 'Daposzxczxcdpods', cab: 2242 },
{ name: 'AvzxcDnmx', cab: 4414 }
subjs: [
{ name: 'Lanvzxg', a: 1, b: 2 },
{ name: 'XZxxz', a: 4, b: 6 }