outsideClick: function(e) {
var target = $(e.target);
// if the page is clicked anywhere except within the daterangerpicker/button
// itself then call this.hide()
if (
// ie modal dialog fix
e.type == "focusin" ||
target.closest(this.element).length ||
target.closest(this.container).length ||
) return;
this.element.trigger('outsideClick.daterangepicker', this);
https://github.com/dangrossman/daterangepicker/blo...// Bind global datepicker mousedown for hiding and
.on('mousedown.daterangepicker', this._outsideClickProxy)
// also support mobile devices
.on('touchend.daterangepicker', this._outsideClickProxy)
// also explicitly play nice with Bootstrap dropdowns, which stopPropagation when clicking them
.on('click.daterangepicker', '[data-toggle=dropdown]', this._outsideClickProxy)
// and also close when focus changes to outside the picker (eg. tabbing between controls)
.on('focusin.daterangepicker', this._outsideClickProxy);
// $('.daterangepicker').addClass('opensright').removeClass('opensleft');
locale: (object) Allows you to provide localized strings for buttons and labels, customize the date format, and change the first day of week for the calendars. Check off locale in the configuration generator to see how to customize these options.Включите в конфигураторе эту опцию и посмотрите пример, как она задаётся в виджете.