$xml = simplexml_load_string($soap_response);
if($mode === 'exportQrCode')
$search_text = trim($_POST['search_text']);
$trade_type = $_POST['trade_type'];
$code = trim($_POST['code']);
$curator = (int)$_POST['curator'];
$is_active = $_POST['is_active'];
$where_array = [];
if (!empty($curator)) {
$where = " JOIN SS_B2POS.trade_acc_rel AS tr_acc ON v_tr.idtrade = tr_acc.idtrade".$where." AND (tr_acc.idaccount = ? OR tr_acc.idaccount_second = ?)";
$where_array[] = $curator;
$where_array[] = $curator;
if ($trade_type !== "") {
$where .= "AND idtrade_type=?";
$where_array[] = $trade_type;
if (strlen($search_text) > 0) {
$where .= "AND (city LIKE ? OR street LIKE ? OR v_tr.idtrade=? OR brand LIKE ? OR full_name LIKE ? OR contact_name LIKE ? OR contact_phone LIKE ? OR contact_email LIKE ? OR inet_domain LIKE ? )";
$where_array[] = "%" . $search_text . "%";
$where_array[] = "%" . $search_text . "%";
$where_array[] = $search_text;
$where_array[] = "%" . $search_text . "%";
$where_array[] = "%" . $search_text . "%";
$where_array[] = "%" . $search_text . "%";
$where_array[] = "%" . $search_text . "%";
$where_array[] = "%" . $search_text . "%";
$where_array[] = "%" . $search_text . "%";
if (strlen($code) > 0) {
$trades_array = [];
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT idtrade FROM SS_B2POS.bank_trades WHERE bank_trade = ? GROUP BY idtrade ");
while ($trades_in = $sth->fetch()) {
$trades_array[] = $trades_in['idtrade'];
if (count($trades_array) == 0) {
$where .= " AND 2=1";
} else {
$trades_in_where = str_repeat("?,", count($trades_array) - 1) . "?";
$where .= " AND (idtrade IN (" . $trades_in_where . "))";
$where_array = array_merge($where_array, $trades_array);
if ($is_active != '') {
$where .= 'AND v_tr.md_is_activ = ?';
$where_array[] = $is_active;
$in_sql = 'SELECT v_tr.idtrade FROM SS_B2POS.v_trade_all v_tr '.$where;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT trade_qr_code_file,full_name,city,street,house FROM SS_B2POS.trade_cards trc WHERE trade_qr_code_file IS NOT NULL AND idtrade IN ( ".$in_sql." )");
$nowDate = date('d.m.Y H:i:s');
$titleZipFile = 'qrCodesTrades_'.$nowDate.'.zip';
$zipFile = $pathMedia. '/disk/QRCodes/trade_codes/exportQrCodes/'.$titleZipFile;
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if($zip->open($zipFile, ZipArchive::CREATE) !== true){
throw new Exception("Error!");
while ($code = $sth->fetch()){
$qrFile = $pathMedia.'/disk/QRCodes/trade_codes/'.substr($code['trade_qr_code_file'], 0, 2).'/'.substr($code['trade_qr_code_file'], 2, 2).'/'.$code['trade_qr_code_file'];
$zip->addFile($qrFile, $code['full_name'].','.$code['city'].','.$code['street'].','.$code['house'].'.png');
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($zipFile).'"');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zipFile));
}catch (Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if($zip->open($zipFile, ZipArchive::CREATE) !== true){
throw new Exception("Error!");
while ($code = $sth->fetch()){
$qrFile = $path_web_st.'/disk/QRCodes/trade_codes/'.substr($code['trade_qr_code_file'], 0, 2).'/'.substr($code['trade_qr_code_file'], 2, 2).'/'.$code['trade_qr_code_file'];
$zip->addFile('https://st.ghk.dev.b2pos.ru/disk/QRCodes/trade_codes/b7/cd/b7cdfadcc37f57274201f34ad3534eb7-575bfa75043c3d00872bc5e282014303421101.png', $code['full_name'].','.$code['city'].','.$code['street'].','.$code['house'].'.png');