Support response:
The transferring of funds is a highly regulated process, and although we do facilitate payments between freelancers and clients, we aren’t allowed to act as a bank — which is essentially what happens when money is held in an account over an extended period of time. The scheduled payments system gives you options for how and when you withdraw your earnings, while putting in place some limits for how large a balance you can keep on Upwork and for how long
We won't reveal the exact calculation for Job Success. Doing so would may make it easier to artificially boost scores. We need to maintain some privacy with this metric to ensure fairness and accuracy.
Я использовал эту имплементацию Flux
По сути стор живет на протяжение жизни программы. Если нужно данные можно вычищать. При создании стора, можете считать данние из localStorage и проинициализировать ними стор.
var MyStore = Fluxxor.createStore({
initialize() {
this._data = JSON.parse(localStorage("data"));
Данные из запроса #1 запишите в `ItemsStore`.
Когда пользователь открывает страничку с конкретним товаром попросите у ItemsStore вернуть информацию о конкретном товаре. `ItemsStore.getItem(id)`
Когда пользователь возвращается назад можете проверить есть ли в ItemsStore товары
componentWillMount() {
if (!ItemsStore.getAllItems().length) {
Я не сильно вникал в ParseReact, React-Parse. Как по мне, лучше от них отказаться. Вынести всю работу с сервером подальше от components и store то есть в actions, чтобы при желании можно было легко перейти с Parse на что-нибуть другое.
Support response:
The transferring of funds is a highly regulated process, and although we do facilitate payments between freelancers and clients, we aren’t allowed to act as a bank — which is essentially what happens when money is held in an account over an extended period of time. The scheduled payments system gives you options for how and when you withdraw your earnings, while putting in place some limits for how large a balance you can keep on Upwork and for how long