$(function() {
var updateInterval = 1000;
var dataset = [{
label: "line1",
data: data
var options = {
series: {
shadowSize: 0 // Drawing is faster without shadows
yaxis: {
min: -50,
max: 50
xaxis: {
show: false
var plot = $.plot("#placeholder", dataset, options);
function update() {
var ajax_data = null;
url: "test.html",
success: function(data){
ajax_data = data;
dataset = [{
label: "line1",
data: ajax_data
setTimeout(update, updateInterval);
Now, within the DOM-ready event, attach the Zebra_Datepicker plugin to a <input type=”text”> control
$(document).ready(function() {
// assuming the controls you want to attach the plugin to
// have the "datepicker" class set