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, href которых начинается с #$('a[href*=".html#"]')
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// Если это Сафари
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deadline3 = deadline3.replace(/-/g, '/').replace(/\./g, '/')
timer('#quizeTimer', deadline3)
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console.log('timer catch')
, в данном случае. <div class="container">
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<li class="element">
<li class="element">
<li class="element"> <!-- тут класс с опечаткой был -->
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container.appendChild(elClone); // была опечатка в слове appendChild
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// условие сработает, если есть "test=" в "www.site.com/?test=lalala"
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// Если get-параметров много
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getParams = window.location.search.split('&').map(function(item){
var currentValue = item.split('=');
return {[currentValue[0]]: currentValue[1]}
// если один
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window.addEventListener('load', function(){
// ваш код
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(эти типо расположит весь JS в самом конце содержимого body, без обёртывания в анонимную функцию) <select class="form-control" id="status-scan">
<option value="0">Укажите статус</option>
<option value="1">Выполнено</option>
$('#status-scan').on('change', function(){
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$('.coolTable tr[data-scan]').each(function(idx, elm){
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"id": 250,
"name": "Small Batch: Rye IPA",
"tagline": "Rye India Pale Ale.",
"first_brewed": "2016",
"description": "A 7.2% rye IPA loaded with grapefruit notes, pithy citrus, and huge resinous bitterness, with rye character. The Centennial and Columbus flavours are amplified by the spicy, dry rye.",
"image_url": "https://images.punkapi.com/v2/keg.png",
"abv": 7.2,
"ibu": 100,
"target_fg": 1010,
"target_og": 1065,
"ebc": 8,
"srm": 16,
"ph": 4.4,
"attenuation_level": 84,
"value": 20,
"unit": "litres"
"value": 25,
"unit": "litres"
"mash_temp": [
"value": 60,
"unit": "celsius"
"duration": 30
"value": 65,
"unit": "celsius"
"duration": 20
"value": 72,
"unit": "celsius"
"duration": 15
"value": 78,
"unit": "celsius"
"duration": 10
"value": 21,
"unit": "celsius"
"twist": null
"malt": [
"name": "Maris Otter",
"value": 4,
"unit": "kilograms"
"name": "Rye",
"value": 0.8,
"unit": "kilograms"
"hops": [
"name": "Centennial",
"value": 40,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "60",
"attribute": "Bitter"
"name": "Centennial",
"value": 15,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "15",
"attribute": "Bitter"
"name": "Columbus",
"value": 15,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "15",
"attribute": "Flavour"
"name": "Centennial",
"value": 50,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "Whirlpool",
"attribute": "Aroma"
"name": "Columbus",
"value": 25,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "Whirlpool",
"attribute": "Aroma"
"name": "Columbus",
"value": 10,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "Dry Hop",
"attribute": "Aroma"
"name": "Citra",
"value": 10,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "Dry Hop",
"attribute": "Aroma"
"yeast": "Wyeast 1272 - American Ale II™"
"food_pairing": ["Salmon Fishcakes with Rocket Salad", "Baked Goat's Cheese", "Classic Victoria Sponge"],
"brewers_tips": "Be prepared for a long sparge as the rye content is really high.",
"contributed_by": "John Jenkman <johnjenkman>"
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const xml = new XMLHttpRequest();
xml.open('GET', 'https://api.punkapi.com/v2/beers/random', true);
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