На Ваш сервер пришла жалоба. Отправитель жалобы утверждает, что с Вашего сервера осуществляется вредоносная активность. Такой активностью могут быть - спам, брут и т.д. Ниже Вы найдёте логи, которые, как считает отправитель, подтверждают это.
Abuse Message [AbuseID:A3D17A:26]: NetscanInLevel: Netscan detected from 217.12.xx.xx
Dear Sir or Madam,
We have evidence that a network scan (or network attack) was carried out on a server belonging to a client of ours, from an IP address under your responsibility.
Please take all necessary actions to avoid this in the future and to resolve the current issue.
Furthermore we request a short statement, with information on the cause of the issue, as well as your response.
Please use the following link for the statement: https://abuse.hetzner.com/statements/?token=efecde...
You should get this information only a few minutes after the incident.
All timestamps are in Central European Time (Berlin).
Important note:
When replying to us, please leave the abuse ID [AbuseID:A3D17A:26] unchanged in the subject line.
Please note that we do not provide telephone support in our department.
If you have any questions, please send them to us by responding to this email.
Kind regards
Network department
Hetzner Online GmbH
Industriestr. 25
91710 Gunzenhausen / Germany
Tel: +49 9831 505-0
Fax: +49 9831 505-3
Register Court: Registergericht Ansbach, HRB 6089
CEO: Martin Hetzner, Stephan Konvickova, Günther Müller
For the purposes of this communication, we may save some
of your personal data. For information on our data privacy
policy, please see: www.hetzner.com/datenschutzhinweis>
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