на порядки большеПрям серпом по уху. На какие «порядки»? Количество приложений под Android давно перевалило за 100 000, порядок один. А вот
приложения из АппСтора (если они популярные) реально приносят денег разработчикам.Это чистая правда, денежная отдача от приложений под Android много ниже. Потому и не стараются.
1. New battery algorithm. No more drops from full charged during charging to 90-91% after unplugged.(maybe calibrating of the battery, because different people sees different results — ohyeahar, herezor, chichoko)
2. New version of Google Maps 4.4.0
3. New app Places(it existed before if you had Google Maps updated to version 4.4 via Market — FreudsCAT)
4. New microphone button in the keyboard (only in english keyboard). To fix the issue with the low resolution of the button, just remove all languages except English and the button will have the same quality as the other ones (EddyOS)
5. No vibrate on shutdown
6. Save attachments from GMail app (Only Word and Excel. No support for zip or pdf)
7. New version of Quickoffice 3.2.60 (FreudsCAT)
8. Peep 2.0 fixed authentication with twitter (FreudsCAT)
9. Better video quality while capturing video (hamdir, aindow)
10. New/improved notifications of unsent messages, tweets, Facebook alerts, etc. (aindow, andQlimax)
11. Flash Player v can be downloaded from the market. (hija31 vs. people are reporting that it was in the market before — Lothaen)
12. The image blur bug in the gallery is gone.(hamdir vs. fblasot)
Not confirmed, but people reporting those:
101. Better sound quality while shooting video.
Please feel free to comment those changes and add new ones.