// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters
/// <summary>
/// A filter that confirms request authorization.
/// </summary>
public interface IAuthorizationFilter : IFilterMetadata
/// <summary>
/// Called early in the filter pipeline to confirm request is authorized.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The <see cref="AuthorizationFilterContext"/>.</param>
void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context);
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
.AddCookie(options => //CookieAuthenticationOptions
options.LoginPath = new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString("/Logon");
"Name": "бла бла бла",
"Description": "бла бла бла",
"PublicTime": "20:51",
"Views": 0,
"Replies": 0
и т.д.
string.Format(GetAQuoteLink, culture, centre?.Id ?? string.Empty, location)
int a = 2;
int b = 64;
var result = Math.Log(b) / Math.Log(a); // 6
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var list1 = new List<string>();
var list2 = new List<double>();
var list3 = new List<MyCustomType>();
var var1 = list1.MakeDefault();
var var2 = list2.MakeDefault();
var var3 = list3.MakeDefault();
public static class GenericListExtensions
public static Tuple<T, Type> MakeDefault<T>(this List<T> list)
return Tuple.Create<T, Type>(default(T), typeof(T));
public class MyCustomType {}
public class MyVeryCool
private readolny SocketInteractionContext _context; //ваше приватное поле
public MyVeryCool(SomeExternalType arg)
_context = arg.Context; //не ваше публичное свойство
if(playerListItemToRemove.Count > 0)
// тут у вас каждый элемент итерируемой коллекции - ***list***
// а вся итерируемая коллекция - ***List***
foreach(PlayerListItem playerlistItemToRemove in playerListItemToRemove)
// 1 ошибка - тут вы достаете gameObject у листа айтемов (***List***)
GameObject ObjectToRemove = playerListItemToRemove.gameObject;
// 2 ошибка - а тут вы удаляете лист из листа айтемов (***List***)
ObjectToRemove = null;