sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown /mode:vm
ошибка на этапе установки safe_os во время операции boot 0xC1900101 - 0x20017ошибка-то, в целом, более-менее известная, причин - вагон+тележка (свободное место на диске, дисковые разделы, драйверы, настройки обновлений, папка Software Distribution и т.д.)
ОС: Win11 и WinSrv2022
WMIC is deprecated as of Windows 10, version 21H1; and as of the 21H1 semi-annual channel release of Windows Server. This utility is superseded by Windows PowerShell for WMI; see Chapter 7 - Working with WMI. This deprecation applies only to the WMIC utility. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) itself is not affected.тут
Starting January 29, 2024, you'll find Windows Management Instrumentation Command line (WMIC) feature "disabled by default" on the insider build of Windows 11. If your application is dependent on WMIC, please migrate away from it using this post as a guide. Let's catch up on the latest and learn how you can use PowerShell and programmatic ways to query WMIC today.тут
что можно предпринять?перейти на PowerShell - Working with WMI
If anyone comes across this issue in Python > 3.8 with Windows, dll's are only loaded from trusted locations This can be fixed by adding the dll path using os.add_dll_directory("PATH_TO_DLL")
Все указывает на то, что винде не нравится сертификатпроблемы могут быть в свойствах сертификата (шаблон, назначение, параметры ключа и т.д.), в списке альтернативных имен, в субъекте сертификата и т.д.
Error 13801: the IKE authentication credentials are invalid
You encounter this issue when either the server or client can't accept the IKE authentication credentials.
Error 13801 cause
This error can occur due to the following:
- The machine certificate used for IKEv2 validation on the RAS server doesn't have Server Authentication enabled under Enhanced Key Usage.
- The machine certificate on the RAS server expired.
- The client machine doesn't have the root certificate for validating the RAS server certificate.
- The client machine's VPN server name doesn't match the subjectName value on the server certificate.
Solution 1: verify the server certificate settings
If the issue is the RAS server machine certificate, make sure the certificate includes Server Authentication under Enhanced Key Usage.
Solution 2: make sure the machine certificate is still valid
If the issue is that the RAS machine certificate expired, make sure it's still valid. If it isn't, install a valid certificate.
Solution 3: make sure the client machine has a root certificate
If the issue is related to the client machine not having a root certificate, first check the Trusted Root Certification Authorities on the RRAS server to make sure the certification authority you're using is there. If it isn't there, install a valid root certificate.
Solution 4: make the client machine's VPN server name matches the server certificate
First, make sure the VPN client connects by using the same fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that the VPN server certificate uses. If not, change the client name to match the server certificate name.
С какими проблемами я могу столкнуться во время этого? На что стоит обратить внимание?с песочницей Veeam не упражнялся, да и не вижу каких-то проблем с ней...если в песочнице только один КД - восстанавливайте все равно как Domain Controller (Non-Authoritative Restore) (Step 4. Specify Recovery Verification Options and Tests)
### для рабочей станции
New-ItemProperty -Name AutoShareWks -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters -Type DWORD -Value 0
### для серверной ОС
New-ItemProperty -Name AutoShareServer -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters -Type DWORD -Value 0