melkij=> \df to_tsvector
Список функций
Схема | Имя | Тип данных результата | Типы данных аргументов | Тип
pg_catalog | to_tsvector | tsvector | json | функ.
pg_catalog | to_tsvector | tsvector | jsonb | функ.
pg_catalog | to_tsvector | tsvector | regconfig, json | функ.
pg_catalog | to_tsvector | tsvector | regconfig, jsonb | функ.
pg_catalog | to_tsvector | tsvector | regconfig, text | функ.
pg_catalog | to_tsvector | tsvector | text | функ.
(6 строк)
But note that any database changes made by any one of these transactions remain invisible to the other transactions, as is usual for changes made by uncommitted transactions.
UPDATE orders_new
SET client_code=access.title
FROM orders_new O
Do not repeat the target table as a from_item unless you intend a self-join (in which case it must appear with an alias in the from_item).
Day full capitalized day name (blank-padded to 9 chars)
'monday' = 'monday '
select jsonb_agg(r) || jsonb_build_object('city', 'SanAndreas') from tablename r;
select current_date,
current_date - interval '6 day',
date_trunc('month', now()),
melkij=> \da pg_catalog.sum
Список агрегатных функций
Схема | Имя | Тип данных результата | Типы данных аргументов | Описание
pg_catalog | sum | numeric | bigint | sum as numeric across all bigint input values
pg_catalog | sum | double precision | double precision | sum as float8 across all float8 input values
pg_catalog | sum | bigint | integer | sum as bigint across all integer input values
pg_catalog | sum | interval | interval | sum as interval across all interval input values
pg_catalog | sum | money | money | sum as money across all money input values
pg_catalog | sum | numeric | numeric | sum as numeric across all numeric input values
pg_catalog | sum | real | real | sum as float4 across all float4 input values
pg_catalog | sum | bigint | smallint | sum as bigint across all smallint input values
5 September 2017: 2ndQuadrant is proud to announce the release of Barman version 2.3, a Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL.
This minor release introduces support for PostgreSQL 10.
UPDATE tablename
name = ?,
domain = ?,
in_chats = usersdata_mirror.in_chats || ARRAY[?]::int[]
not(usersdata_mirror.in_chats @> ARRAY[?]::int[]) and user_id = ?
in_chats = case when ... then ... else usersdata_mirror.in_chats end
без ее блокировки
select ... from (...) subquery order by ...
select link_id from tablename
group by link_id
having count(*) = sum(flag = 1)
select id from links
where exists(select null from tablename where flag = 1 and link_id = -- возможно это условие вам по задаче не нужно
and not exists(select null from tablename where flag != 1 and link_id =
select ...
from tablename t
where t.flag = 1
and not exists(select null from tablename sq where sq.link_id = t.link_id and sq.flag != 1)
select ... from tablename t where t.link_id in (
select q.link_id from tablename q
group by q.link_id
having count(*) = sum(flag = 1)