melkij=> SELECT * from ts_debug('russian', 'дело сделать кот наконец то');
alias | description | token | dictionaries | dictionary | lexemes
word | Word, all letters | дело | {russian_stem} | russian_stem | {дел}
blank | Space symbols | | {} | |
word | Word, all letters | сделать | {russian_stem} | russian_stem | {сдела}
blank | Space symbols | | {} | |
word | Word, all letters | кот | {russian_stem} | russian_stem | {кот}
blank | Space symbols | | {} | |
word | Word, all letters | наконец | {russian_stem} | russian_stem | {}
blank | Space symbols | | {} | |
word | Word, all letters | то | {russian_stem} | russian_stem | {}
(9 строк)
lexemes text[] — the lexeme(s) produced by the dictionary that recognized the token, or NULL if none did; an empty array ({}) means it was recognized as a stop word
melkij=> SELECT ts_lexize('russian_stem', 'наконец');
ts_lexize returns an array of lexemes if the input token is known to the dictionary, or an empty array if the token is known to the dictionary but it is a stop word, or NULL if it is an unknown word.
select hotel_id, category, sum(price) as total_price from hotel_prices where date between ? and ? and not on_stop_sale group by 1,2 having count(*) = количество_дней_в_диапазоне order by total_price
Как функция index scan в postgresql понимает тип индекса?
и как именно Postgre понимает, какую функцию следует применять
ALTER TYPE name ADD VALUE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] new_enum_value [ { BEFORE | AFTER } neighbor_enum_value ]
ALTER TYPE name RENAME VALUE existing_enum_value TO new_enum_value
удаляется мало, добавляется пачками ( где то 10 миллионов в день )
не удаляется и не обновляется ничего
update ... where ctid between '(N,1)' and '(N+1000,1)'
update ... where somecolumn between ? and ?
log_line_prefix = '%m %p %u@%d from %h [vxid:%v txid:%x] [%i] '
Этот запрос висит вечно
... DO UPDATE SET payment_date = info.payment_date + interval '23 hours';
The SET and WHERE clauses in ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE have access to the existing row using the table's name (or an alias), and to rows proposed for insertion using the special excluded table.