По-моему, когда будет го с дженериками (если вообще когда-нибудь будет), то сабж быстро станет не нужен.
Ну действительно же похоже на какой-то Go с немного изменённым синтаксисом:
// Please share your thoughts, suggestions, questions, etc here:
// https://github.com/vlang-io/V/issues/3
// I'm very interested in your feedback.
module main
struct User { /* ... */ }
struct Post { /* ... */ }
struct DB { /* ... */ }
struct Repo <T> {
db DB
// Generic code is notoriously verbose. To reduce clutter, V doesn't require you
// to add `<T>` every time, since it already knows that Repo is a generic type.
fn new_repo<T>(db DB) Repo {
return Repo<T>{db: db}
// This is a generic function. V will generate it for every type it's used with.
fn (r Repo) find_by_id(id int) T? { // `?` means the function returns an optional
table_name := T.name // in this example getting the name of the type gives us the table name
return r.db.query_one<T>('select * from $table_name where id = ?', id)
fn main() {
db := new_db()
users_repo := new_repo<User>(db)
// I'm also considering passing the type as an argument
// users_repo := new_repo(User, db)
posts_repo := new_repo<Post>(db)
user := users_repo.find_by_id(1) or {
eprintln('User not found')
post := posts_repo.find_by_id(1) or {
eprintln('Post not found')