git branch -vv
end_royal 92d11a9 block
* main ba449ba [origin/main: впереди 162, позади 1] add new
end_royal 92d11a9 block
* main ba449ba [впереди 162, позади 1] add new
git reflog
ba449ba (HEAD -> main) HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to HEAD
ba449ba (HEAD -> main) HEAD@{1}: commit: add new
92d11a9 (end_royal) HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from end_royal to main
92d11a9 (end_royal) HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from main to end_royal
92d11a9 (end_royal) HEAD@{4}: commit: block
7f23f31 HEAD@{5}: commit: fix log
eec21f0 HEAD@{6}: commit: bp fix stat
f066bff HEAD@{7}: commit: fp fix seo
35f712d HEAD@{8}: commit: f fix translate
1a45702 HEAD@{9}: commit: f fix og image
4bec36d HEAD@{10}: commit: fp fix w3c
5641b1f HEAD@{11}: commit: fp fix cache
99fe5cf HEAD@{12}: commit: f add img gallery + fix thumbs + fix script
18b32c6 HEAD@{13}: commit: fbp add pageCache
9cba40a HEAD@{14}: commit: fp fix stat
43ef13f HEAD@{15}: commit: f p add cache
cf7eae8 HEAD@{16}: commit: f fix admin transl
f749464 HEAD@{17}: commit: fix stat
e97e37a HEAD@{18}: commit: fix stat
b12eb73 HEAD@{19}: commit: fix stat
9b76112 HEAD@{20}: commit: f fix ref
c540405 HEAD@{21}: commit: add cache
ee26288 HEAD@{22}: commit: f infr add img
9877b70 HEAD@{23}: commit: f plans fix size
89d14f3 HEAD@{24}: commit: f plans add webp + fix size
git log
* ba449ba (HEAD -> main) add new
* 92d11a9 (end_royal) block
* 7f23f31 fix log
* eec21f0 bp fix stat
* f066bff fp fix seo
* 35f712d f fix translate
* 1a45702 f fix og image
* 4bec36d fp fix w3c
* 5641b1f fp fix cache
* 99fe5cf f add img gallery + fix thumbs + fix script
* 18b32c6 fbp add pageCache
* 9cba40a fp fix stat
* 43ef13f f p add cache
* cf7eae8 f fix admin transl
* f749464 fix stat
* e97e37a fix stat
* b12eb73 fix stat
* 9b76112 f fix ref
* c540405 add cache
* ee26288 f infr add img
* 9877b70 f plans fix size
* 89d14f3 f plans add webp + fix size
* a7881e9 b fix stat
* a654070 f fix footer logo + scroll
* 82f6eb2 f plans add scroll
(function( $ ) {
$.fn.stopScroll = function( options ) {
options = $.extend({
delay: 250,
callback: function() {}
}, options);
return this.each(function() {
var $element = $( this ),
element = this;
$element.scroll(function() {
clearTimeout( $.data( element, "scrollCheck" ) );
$.data( element, "scrollCheck", setTimeout(function() {
}, options.delay ) );
})( jQuery );