If you cannot load the operating system, use the Linux* bootable version to test the processor.
EXPLAIN (ANALYZE,VERBOSE,BUFFERS,TIMING) update ds_citizens set amount = 1 where citizen_id IN (SELECT generate_series(1, 1000000) ORDER by random());
выполняется за 4000ms+- (из них ~700ms уходит на подзапрос с order by random() )if(db_row_update('name', $value)) return true;
а if($this->db_row_update('name', $value)) return true;
preg_replace_callback('/^(https?:\/\/.)(.*)(.\..*)$/',function($m) { return $m[1].str_repeat('*', strlen($m[2])).$m[3]; }, 'http://gooooooogle.com');
arecord -v -f cd -t raw | sox - output.mp3