АртемЪ, я так и сделал, она также пишет. Но я в CMD писал: fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify вышло 0. Значит включен должен быть. 10 Гб свободно.
USAGE: Place this program file on the same drive
you'd like to test TRIM on, and run it.
Press Enter to test drive C:...
Querying C:\ disk space and sector size information...
C:\ has 512 bytes per sector, and 8 sectors per cluster.
2486593 out of 58517503 clusters are free.
Generating random target data block (16384 bytes)...
First 16 bytes: C1 8F 40 26 5C 69 56 A8 BD 71 65 7D ED F8 C3 2A...
Creating C:\Users\90C5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\scoped_dir3400_30046\trimcheck.bin..
Querying file final paths...
DOS : \\?\C:\Users\╨Я╨Ъ\AppData\Local\Temp\scoped_dir3400_30046\trimcheck.bin
GUID : \\?\Volume{b4ca7475-fa2f-11e6-824e-806e6f6e6963}\Users\╨Я╨Ъ\AppData\Loc
NT : \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Users\╨Я╨Ъ\AppData\Local\Temp\scoped_dir3400_30
NONE : \Users\╨Я╨Ъ\AppData\Local\Temp\scoped_dir3400_30046\trimcheck.bin
Writing padding (33554432 bytes)...
Writing data (16384 bytes)...
Writing padding (33554432 bytes)...
Flushing file...
Checking file size...
Data is located at Virtual Cluster Numbers 8192-8195 within file.
Querying file physical location...
trimcheck.bin has 11 extents:
Extent 0: Virtual clusters 0-259 are located at LCN 10185072
Extent 1: Virtual clusters 260-775 are located at LCN 31031220
Extent 2: Virtual clusters 776-1794 are located at LCN 39175964
Extent 3: Virtual clusters 1795-3850 are located at LCN 48246940
Extent 4: Virtual clusters 3851-6530 are located at LCN 31469292
Extent 5: Virtual clusters 6531-8658 are located at LCN 27511448
(this is the extent containing our data)
Extent 6: Virtual clusters 8659-9734 are located at LCN 36487872
Extent 7: Virtual clusters 9735-9791 are located at LCN 15374620
Extent 8: Virtual clusters 9792-12447 are located at LCN 42762120
Extent 9: Virtual clusters 12448-14627 are located at LCN 27925624
Extent 10: Virtual clusters 14628-17269 are located at LCN 46913912
Closing file.
Saving continuation data to C:\Users\90C5~1\AppData\Local\Temp\scoped_dir3400_30
Flushing buffers on \\.\C:...
Opening \\.\C:...
Flushing buffers...
Deleting file...
Flushing buffers on \\.\C:...
Opening \\.\C:...
Flushing buffers...
Test file created and deleted, and continuation data saved.
Do what needs to be done to activate the SSD's TRIM functionality,
and run this program again.
Usually, you just need to wait a bit (around 20 seconds).
Sometimes, a reboot is necessary.
Press Enter to exit...
P.S. В консоли cmd включен.
3. 8гб ОЗУ. 1792МБ файл подкачки. Сборка на торренте, но два месяца нормально работала.
4. Домашний, очень редко игровой. Примерно раз в месяц пару часов.
Максим Тимофеев, ааа, я понял почему там работало. Там был указан для каждого домена SuexecUserGroup. Спасибо большое за помощь! А в nginx такой параметр есть?
Максим Тимофеев, я это понял. Просто спрашиваю, почему там при точно таких же правах на файлах www и группа www, пользователь apache группы apache, мог менять их?