# These groups are read by MariaDB server.
# Use it for options that only the server (but not clients) should see
# this is read by the standalone daemon and embedded servers
# this is only for the mysqld standalone daemon
#open_files_limit = 16364000
# * Basic Settings
user = mysql
pid-file = /run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
basedir = /usr
datadir = /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir = /tmp
lc-messages-dir = /usr/share/mysql
lc-messages = en_US
# Broken reverse DNS slows down connections considerably and name resolve is
# safe to skip if there are no "host by domain name" access grants
# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
bind-address =
# * Fine Tuning
#key_buffer_size = 128M
#max_allowed_packet = 1G
#thread_stack = 192K
#thread_cache_size = 8
# This replaces the startup script and checks MyISAM tables if needed
# the first time they are touched
#myisam_recover_options = BACKUP
#max_connections = 100
#table_cache = 64
# * Logging and Replication
# Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
# Be aware that this log type is a performance killer.
# Recommend only changing this at runtime for short testing periods if needed!
#general_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
#general_log = 1
# When running under systemd, error logging goes via stdout/stderr to journald
# and when running legacy init error logging goes to syslog due to
# /etc/mysql/conf.d/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf
# Enable this if you want to have error logging into a separate file
#log_error = /var/log/mysql/error.log
# Enable the slow query log to see queries with especially long duration
#slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mariadb-slow.log
#long_query_time = 10
#log_slow_verbosity = query_plan,explain
#min_examined_row_limit = 1000
# The following can be used as easy to replay backup logs or for replication.
# note: if you are setting up a replication slave, see README.Debian about
# other settings you may need to change.
#server-id = 1
#log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
expire_logs_days = 10
#max_binlog_size = 100M
# For documentation, please read
# https://mariadb.com/kb/en/securing-connections-for-client-and-server/
#ssl-ca = /etc/mysql/cacert.pem
#ssl-cert = /etc/mysql/server-cert.pem
#ssl-key = /etc/mysql/server-key.pem
# * Character sets
# MySQL/MariaDB default is Latin1, but in Debian we rather default to the full
# utf8 4-byte character set. See also client.cnf
character-set-server = utf8mb4
collation-server = utf8mb4_general_ci
# * InnoDB
# InnoDB is enabled by default with a 10MB datafile in /var/lib/mysql/.
# Read the manual for more InnoDB related options. There are many!
# Most important is to give InnoDB 80 % of the system RAM for buffer use:
# https://mariadb.com/kb/en/innodb-system-variables/#innodb_buffer_pool_size
#innodb_buffer_pool_size = 8G
# this is only for embedded server
############################################################## KOLDOBCTBO
max_allowed_packet = 256M
max_connections = 1000
#read_buffer_size = 1M
#key_buffer_size = 128M
#sort_buffer_size = 2M
##read_rnd_buffer_size = 1M
##thread_stack = 192K
#query_cache_limit = 4M
#join_buffer_size = 8M;
wait_timeout = 20
interactive_timeout = 5
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 48G
innodb_log_file_size = 6G
innodb_log_buffer_size = 32M
innodb_file_per_table = ON
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0
innodb_flush_method = O_DSYNC
thread_cache_size = 720
query_cache_size = 0
query_cache_type = 0
#wait_timeout = 15
#interactive_timeout = 15
net_write_timeout = 5
net_read_timeout = 5
long_query_time = 3
slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
general_log = 0
#general_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
table_open_cache = 8192
table_definition_cache = 20891
performance_schema = ON
innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 24
join_buffer_size = 1G
tmp_table_size = 512M
max_heap_table_size = 512M
key_buffer_size = 64M
sort_buffer_size = 32M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 1M
open_files_limit = 1636400
# This group is only read by MariaDB servers, not by MySQL.
# If you use the same .cnf file for MySQL and MariaDB,
# you can put MariaDB-only options here
# This group is only read by MariaDB-10.5 servers.
# If you use the same .cnf file for MariaDB of different versions,
# use this group for options that older servers don't understand
public function submit(){
die('1');//Это оно выводит
die('2');//А это нет, т.к. слишком долго(более 0.1 сек.)
<div id="FOPMA" onclick="Hide(\'FOPMA_\', 0.1);">
<iFrame src="" name="myIframe"></iFrame>
<form style="display:inherit;" target="myIframe" action="https://сайт.ru/" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="c" value="какие-то буквы" />
<input type="submit" onclick="HAnuCATb()" value="Написать нам!">
function HAnuCATb(){
try {
Show("FOPMA_", 1);
} catch (err) {alert(err);}
<form id="contact-form" action="/index.php" method="post" class="form-validate form-horizontal well">
<legend>Отправка сообщения</legend>
<div class="control-group field-spacer">
<div class="control-label">
<span class="spacer"><span class="before"></span><span class="text"><label id="jform_spacer-lbl" class=""><strong class="red">*</strong> Обязательное поле</label></span><span class="after"></span></span> </div>
<div class="controls"> </div>
<div class="control-group">
<div class="control-label">
<label id="jform_contact_name-lbl" for="jform_contact_name" class="hasPopover required" title="" data-content="Введите ваше имя." data-original-title="Имя">
Имя<span class="star"> *</span></label>
<div class="controls"><input type="text" name="jform[contact_name]" id="jform_contact_name" value="" class="required" size="30" required="required" aria-required="true">
<div class="control-group">
<div class="control-label">
<label id="jform_contact_email-lbl" for="jform_contact_email" class="hasPopover required" title="" data-content="Введите ваш адрес электронной почты." data-original-title="E-mail">
E-mail<span class="star"> *</span></label>
<div class="controls"><input type="email" name="jform[contact_email]" class="validate-email required" id="jform_contact_email" value="" size="30" autocomplete="email" required="required" aria-required="true"></div>
<div class="control-group">
<div class="control-label">
<label id="jform_contact_emailmsg-lbl" for="jform_contact_emailmsg" class="hasPopover required" title="" data-content="Введите тему сообщения." data-original-title="Тема">
Тема<span class="star"> *</span></label>
<div class="controls"><input type="text" name="jform[contact_subject]" id="jform_contact_emailmsg" value="" class="required" size="60" required="required" aria-required="true">
<div class="control-group">
<div class="control-label">
<label id="jform_contact_message-lbl" for="jform_contact_message" class="hasPopover required" title="" data-content="Введите текст сообщения." data-original-title="Сообщение">
Сообщение<span class="star"> *</span></label>
<div class="controls"><textarea name="jform[contact_message]" id="jform_contact_message" cols="50" rows="10" class="required" required="required" aria-required="true"></textarea></div>
<div class="control-group">
<div class="control-label">
<label id="jform_contact_email_copy-lbl" for="jform_contact_email_copy" class="hasPopover" title="" data-content="Отправить копию сообщения на ваш адрес электронной почты." data-original-title="Отправить копию сообщения на ваш адрес">
Отправить копию сообщения на ваш адрес</label>
<span class="optional">(необязательно)</span>
<div class="controls"><input type="checkbox" name="jform[contact_email_copy]" id="jform_contact_email_copy" value="1"></div>
<div class="control-group">
<div class="control-label">
<label id="jform_captcha-lbl" for="jform_captcha" class="hasPopover required" title="" data-content="Пожалуйста, подтвердите, что вы не робот." data-original-title="CAPTCHA">
CAPTCHA<span class="star"> *</span></label>
<div class="controls"><div id="jform_captcha" class=" required g-recaptcha" data-theme="light" data-size="normal" data-tabindex="0" data-callback="" data-expired-callback="" data-error-callback="" data-recaptcha-widget-id="0"><</div></div>
<div class="control-group">
<div class="controls">
<button class="btn btn-primary validate" type="submit">Отправить</button>
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_contact">
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="contact.submit">
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="1:adminy">
<input type="hidden" name="c" value="gdsfgfdsg53gfxdfgds"> <input type="hidden" name="56gfsdr4fesafdfvcxz" value="1"> </div>
# These groups are read by MariaDB server.
# Use it for options that only the server (but not clients) should see
# this is read by the standalone daemon and embedded servers
# this is only for the mysqld standalone daemon
# * Basic Settings
user = mysql
pid-file = /run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
basedir = /usr
datadir = /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir = /tmp
lc-messages-dir = /usr/share/mysql
lc-messages = en_US
# Broken reverse DNS slows down connections considerably and name resolve is
# safe to skip if there are no "host by domain name" access grants
# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
bind-address =
# * Fine Tuning
#key_buffer_size = 128M
#max_allowed_packet = 1G
#thread_stack = 192K
#thread_cache_size = 8
# This replaces the startup script and checks MyISAM tables if needed
# the first time they are touched
#myisam_recover_options = BACKUP
#max_connections = 100
#table_cache = 64
# * Logging and Replication
# Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
# Be aware that this log type is a performance killer.
# Recommend only changing this at runtime for short testing periods if needed!
#general_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
#general_log = 1
# When running under systemd, error logging goes via stdout/stderr to journald
# and when running legacy init error logging goes to syslog due to
# /etc/mysql/conf.d/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf
# Enable this if you want to have error logging into a separate file
#log_error = /var/log/mysql/error.log
# Enable the slow query log to see queries with especially long duration
#slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql/mariadb-slow.log
#long_query_time = 10
#log_slow_verbosity = query_plan,explain
#min_examined_row_limit = 1000
# The following can be used as easy to replay backup logs or for replication.
# note: if you are setting up a replication slave, see README.Debian about
# other settings you may need to change.
#server-id = 1
#log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
expire_logs_days = 10
#max_binlog_size = 100M
# For documentation, please read
# https://mariadb.com/kb/en/securing-connections-for-client-and-server/
#ssl-ca = /etc/mysql/cacert.pem
#ssl-cert = /etc/mysql/server-cert.pem
#ssl-key = /etc/mysql/server-key.pem
# * Character sets
# MySQL/MariaDB default is Latin1, but in Debian we rather default to the full
# utf8 4-byte character set. See also client.cnf
character-set-server = utf8mb4
collation-server = utf8mb4_general_ci
# * InnoDB
# InnoDB is enabled by default with a 10MB datafile in /var/lib/mysql/.
# Read the manual for more InnoDB related options. There are many!
# Most important is to give InnoDB 80 % of the system RAM for buffer use:
# https://mariadb.com/kb/en/innodb-system-variables/#innodb_buffer_pool_size
#innodb_buffer_pool_size = 8G
# this is only for embedded server
############################################################## KOLDOBCTBO
#max_allowed_packet = 4M
#max_connections = 300
#read_buffer_size = 1M
#key_buffer_size = 128M
#sort_buffer_size = 2M
##read_rnd_buffer_size = 1M
##thread_stack = 192K
#query_cache_limit = 4M
#join_buffer_size = 8M;
wait_timeout = 5
interactive_timeout = 5
# This group is only read by MariaDB servers, not by MySQL.
# If you use the same .cnf file for MySQL and MariaDB,
# you can put MariaDB-only options here
# This group is only read by MariaDB-10.5 servers.
# If you use the same .cnf file for MariaDB of different versions,
# use this group for options that older servers don't understand
Импортировали в джумла, в итоге всё жутко тормозит(в админке и с наружи), потребовал больше памяти с внешней стороны. Импортировал в assets - использовал одни и теже значения., не проканало: открывает по ссылке не то, что должен по логиге вещей.
Какие варианты?(кроме копания в Zoo)