<div class="quiz" id="quiz">
<div class="quiz__step">
<div class="quiz__question"></div>
<div class="quiz__answers"></div>
<div class="quiz__controls">
<button class="quiz__button_prev">Назад</button>
<button class="quiz__button_next">Вперёд</button>
var stepOne = {
question: "What is your legal base of stay?",
answers: ["VISA", "Polish Recidence Card", "EU Recidence Card", "Other"]
var stepTwo = {
question: "When will your legal stay expire?",
answers: ["Less than 30 days", "From 1 to 3 months", "From 3 to 6 months", "Other"]
var stepThree = {
question: "What is your ground for TRC application?",
answers: ["Studies & Alumni", "Work contract", "Family reunification & kids", "Other"]
var steps = [stepOne, stepTwo, stepThree];
var currentStep = 0;
var quizQuestion = document.querySelector('.quiz__question');
var quizAnswers = document.querySelector('.quiz__answers');
var quizButtonNext = document.querySelector('.quiz__button_next');
function Quiz() {
quizQuestion.innerHTML = steps[currentStep].question;
for (let i = 0; i < steps[currentStep].answers.length; i++) {
const answersItems = steps[currentStep].answers[i];
const answersItemsElements = document.createElement('li');
answersItemsElements.innerHTML = answersItems;
const steps = [ /* ... */ ];
let currentStep = 0;
const quizQuestion = document.querySelector('.quiz__question');
const quizAnswers = document.querySelector('.quiz__answers');
const prevBtn = document.querySelector('.quiz__button_prev');
const nextBtn = document.querySelector('.quiz__button_next');
prevBtn.addEventListener('click', () => nextStep(-1));
nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => nextStep(+1));
function nextStep(stepChange) {
currentStep = Math.max(0, Math.min(steps.length - 1, currentStep + stepChange));
prevBtn.disabled = currentStep === 0;
nextBtn.disabled = currentStep === steps.length - 1;
quizQuestion.innerHTML = steps[currentStep].question;
quizAnswers.innerHTML = steps[currentStep].answers.map(n => `<li>${n}</li>`).join('');