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Профессиональное развитие в IT
if pix[0] > 150 and pix[1] < 15 and pix[2] < 15:
if pix[0] > 150 and all(item < 15 for item in pix[1:2]):
if pix[0] > 150 and (pix[1] and pix[2]) < 15
if (pix[1] and pix[2]) < 15 < pix[0]:
pix = [43, 16,14] if (pix[1] and pix[2]) < 15 < pix[0]: print(pix)
pix = [43, 11,8] if (pix[1] and pix[2]) < 15 < pix[0]: print(pix)