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Написал змейку для двух игроков на Js хотел узнать как написать остановку игры когда голова одной из змей касается хвоста другой?

const canvas = document.getElementById("game-field"); /* announce the game-field */
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); /* seting the spatial dimension */

        /* VARRIABLES */

const gameField = new Image();
gameField.src = "img/game-field.jpg";

const foodImg = new Image();
foodImg.src = "img/food.png";

let box = 32;

let score = 0;

let food = { /* writing a random spawn of food */
    x: Math.floor((Math.random() * 42 + 1)) * box, 
    y: Math.floor((Math.random() * 17 + 4)) * box,

let snake = []; /* set the snake spawn */
snake[0] = {
    x: 9 * box,
    y: 10 * box

document.addEventListener("keydown", direction);

let dir;

        /* END /VARRIABLES */

function direction(event) {
    if (event.keyCode == 65 && dir != "right")
        dir = "left";
    else if(event.keyCode == 87 && dir != "down")
        dir = "up";
    else if(event.keyCode == 68  && dir != "left")
        dir = "right";
    else if(event.keyCode == 83  && dir != "up")
        dir = "down";

function eatTail(head, arr) { /* responding for eating of tail */
    for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        if(head.x == arr[i].x && head.y == arr[i].y)

function eatSecondTail(secondHead, secondArr) { /* responding for eating of tail */
    for(let j = 0; j < secondArr.length; j++) {
        if(secondHead.X == secondArr[j].X && secondHead.Y == secondArr[j].Y)

        /* SECOND PLAYER */
        /* SECOND PLAYER */
        /* SECOND PLAYER */

        /* VARRIABLES 2*/

        let secondScore = 0;

        let secondSnake = []; /* set the snake spawn */
        secondSnake[0] = {
            X: 35 * box,
            Y: 10 * box

        let secondDir;
            /* END /VARRIABLES 2 */
        document.addEventListener("keydown", secondDirection);

        function secondDirection(secondEvent) {
            if (secondEvent.keyCode == 37 && secondDir != "right")
                secondDir = "left";
            else if(secondEvent.keyCode == 38 && secondDir != "down")
                secondDir = "up";
            else if(secondEvent.keyCode == 39  && secondDir != "left")
                secondDir = "right";
            else if(secondEvent.keyCode == 40  && secondDir != "up")
                secondDir = "down";

function drawGame() { /* responding for image drawing */
    ctx.drawImage(gameField, 0, 0);

    ctx.drawImage(foodImg, food.x, food.y);

    for(let i = 0; i < snake.length; i++) { /* draws a head and tail */
        ctx.fillStyle = i == 0 ? "#3498DB" : "#2874A6";
        ctx.fillRect(snake[i].x, snake[i].y, box, box);

        ctx.fillStyle = "#3498DB"; /* Score */
        ctx.font = "63px Century Gothic";
        ctx.fillText(score, box * 9, box * 1.97);

        let snakeX = snake[0].x;
        let snakeY = snake[0].y;

        if (snakeX == food.x && snakeY == food.y) { /* accrual a score */

        if(snakeX == food.x && snakeY == food.y) { /* set the spawn of food */
            food = {
                x: Math.floor((Math.random() * 42 + 1)) * box,
                y: Math.floor((Math.random() * 17 + 4)) * box,
        } else {

        if(snakeX < box || snakeX > box * 44 /* set the border of game-field */
             || snakeY < 4 * box || snakeY > box * 20)


         /* prescribing the mobility of the snake */
                if(dir == "left") snakeX -= box;
                if(dir == "right") snakeX += box;
                if(dir == "up") snakeY -= box;
                if(dir == "down") snakeY += box;

        let newHead = { /* prescribing the head of snake */
            x: snakeX,
            y: snakeY

        eatTail(newHead, snake);


        /* SECOND PLAYER */
        /* SECOND PLAYER */
        /* SECOND PLAYER */

        for(let j = 0; j < secondSnake.length; j++) { /* draws a head and tail */
            ctx.fillStyle = j == 0 ? "yellow" : "orange";
            ctx.fillRect(secondSnake[j].X, secondSnake[j].Y, box, box);
            ctx.fillStyle = "yellow"; /* Score */
            ctx.font = "63px Century Gothic";
            ctx.fillText(secondScore, box * 35, box * 1.97);
            let secondSnakeX = secondSnake[0].X;
            let secondSnakeY = secondSnake[0].Y;
            if (secondSnakeX == food.x && secondSnakeY == food.y) { /* accrual a score */
            if(secondSnakeX == food.x && secondSnakeY == food.y) { /* set the spawn of food */
                food = {
                    x: Math.floor((Math.random() * 42 + 1)) * box,
                    y: Math.floor((Math.random() * 17 + 4)) * box,
            } else {
            if(secondSnakeX < box || secondSnakeX > box * 44 /* set the border of game-field */
                 || secondSnakeY < 4 * box || secondSnakeY > box * 20)
             /* prescribing the mobility of the snake */
                    if(secondDir == "left") secondSnakeX -= box;
                    if(secondDir == "right") secondSnakeX += box;
                    if(secondDir == "up") secondSnakeY -= box;
                    if(secondDir == "down") secondSnakeY += box;
            let newSecondHead = { /* prescribing the head of snake */
                X: secondSnakeX,
                Y: secondSnakeY
            eatSecondTail(newSecondHead, secondSnake);

            if (snakeX == secondSnakeX && snakeY == secondSnakeY) {

            if (secondArr.X == snakeX && secondArr.Y == snakeY) {


    let game = setInterval(drawGame, 100); /* update the timed in 100 miliseconds */

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