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InlineKeyboardMarkup row_width не работает?

Привет. row_width не работает! Как пользоваться? Помогите
def old_address_keyboard():
            keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=3)
                cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Garoyib_doktor")
                Garoyib_doktor = cursor.fetchall()
                for a in Garoyib_doktor:
                    c = a[1]
                    g = a[1]
                    keyboard.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=str(c) + "-qism",callback_data="garoyib_" + str(g)))
                keyboard.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="❌ Назад", callback_data="checkout_back"))
                return keyboard
            except Exception as e:
                return False
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В чем именно она не работает? Выдает ошибку?
Ответ написан
@SoreMix Куратор тега Python
Вы добавляете по одной кнопке в ряд - получаете по одной кнопке в ряд

def add(self, *args):
This function adds strings to the keyboard, while not exceeding row_width.
E.g. ReplyKeyboardMarkup#add("A", "B", "C") yields the json result {keyboard: [["A"], ["B"], ["C"]]}
when row_width is set to 1.
When row_width is set to 2, the following is the result of this function: {keyboard: [["A", "B"], ["C"]]}
See https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#replykeyboardmarkup
:param args: KeyboardButton to append to the keyboard

def row(self, *args):
Adds a list of KeyboardButton to the keyboard. This function does not consider row_width.
ReplyKeyboardMarkup#row("A")#row("B", "C")#to_json() outputs '{keyboard: [["A"], ["B", "C"]]}'
See https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#inlinekeyboardmarkup
:param args: strings
:return: self, to allow function chaining.
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