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Как исправить ошибку: Exception in thread «main» org.usb4java.LibUsbException: USB error 6: Unable to claim interface: Resource busy?

Вот код 121 строчки.
Я Хочу законнектиться к камере.
res = LibUsb.releaseInterface(handle, INTERFACE);
if (res != LibUsb.SUCCESS) throw new LibUsbException("Unable to release interface", res);

package com.company;

import org.usb4java.*;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;

public class Main {

    private static final byte[] CONNECT_HEADER = new byte[] { 0x43, 0x4E, 0x58,
            0x4E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x17, 0x00, 0x00,
            0x00, 0x42, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) 0xBC, (byte) 0xB1, (byte) 0xA7,
            (byte) 0xB1 };

    private static final byte[] CONNECT_BODY = new byte[] { 0x68, 0x6F, 0x73,
            0x74, 0x3A, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x3A, 0x41,
            0x44, 0x42, 0x20, 0x44, 0x65, 0x6D, 0x6F, 0x00 };

    private static final byte INTERFACE = 1;

    private static final int IN_ENDPOINT = 162;

    private static final int OUT_ENDPOINT = 34;

    private static final int TIMEOUT = 5000;

    public static void write(DeviceHandle handle, byte[] data)
        ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.allocateByteBuffer(data.length);
        IntBuffer transferred = BufferUtils.allocateIntBuffer();
        int result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handle, (byte) OUT_ENDPOINT, buffer,
                transferred, TIMEOUT);
        if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS)
            throw new LibUsbException("Unable to send data", result);
        System.out.println(transferred.get() + " bytes sent to device");

    public static ByteBuffer read(DeviceHandle handle, int size)
        ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.allocateByteBuffer(size).order(
        IntBuffer transferred = BufferUtils.allocateIntBuffer();
        int result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handle, (byte) IN_ENDPOINT, buffer,
                transferred, TIMEOUT);
        if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS)
            throw new LibUsbException("Unable to read data", result);
        System.out.println(transferred.get() + " bytes read from device");
        return buffer;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Context context = new Context();
        final UVCCamera camera = new UVCCamera();
        DeviceHandle handle = new DeviceHandle();

        int res = LibUsb.init(context);
        if (res < 0) {
            throw new LibUsbException("Unable to initialize libusb", res);
        DeviceList list = new DeviceList();
        res = LibUsb.getDeviceList(context, list);
        if (res < 0) {
            throw new LibUsbException("Unable to get device list", res);

        try {
            for (Device device: list) {
                DeviceDescriptor descriptor = new DeviceDescriptor();
                res = LibUsb.getDeviceDescriptor(device, descriptor);
                if (res < 0) {
                    throw new LibUsbException("Unable to read device descriptor", res);

                if((descriptor.bDeviceClass() & 255) == 239 && (descriptor.bDeviceSubClass() & 255) == 2){
                    short VID = descriptor.idVendor();
                    short PID = descriptor.idProduct();


                    handle = LibUsb.openDeviceWithVidPid(context, VID, PID);

                    if (handle == null) System.err.println("Test device not found.");

                    res = LibUsb.claimInterface(handle, INTERFACE);
                    if (res != LibUsb.SUCCESS)
                        throw new LibUsbException("Unable to claim interface", res);


                    write(handle, CONNECT_HEADER);
                    write(handle, CONNECT_BODY);

                    ByteBuffer header = read(handle, 24);
                    int dataSize = header.asIntBuffer().get();

                    // Receive the body of the ADB answer
                    ByteBuffer data = read(handle, dataSize);

                    // Release the ADB interface
                    res = LibUsb.releaseInterface(handle, INTERFACE);
                    if (res != LibUsb.SUCCESS)
                        throw new LibUsbException("Unable to release interface", res);



        } finally {
            LibUsb.freeDeviceList(list, true);


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