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After Effects почему не двигаются точки анимации на таймлайне?

Здравствуйте, всем. Подскажите, может кто сталкивался, иногда точки на таймлайне, отвечающие за анимацию, нельзя двигать.(к примеру масштаб) Нажать изменить настройки можно, а передвинуть нельзя. При этом в этом же слое, точки на прозрачности, к примеру, можно двигать. Слой не заблокирован. И происходит очень рандомно, как будто глюк. Приходится удалять, и ставить в новом месте. After effects 2020
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Ответы на вопрос 7
Graphic & Animation designer
Alt+Left / Alt+Right также не двигает выбранный ключ?
Вообще ключи могут блокироваться, если на них есть expression.
Ответ написан
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Before changing a keyframe, make sure that the current-time indicator is positioned over an existing keyframe. If you change the value of a property while the current-time indicator is not in an existing keyframe, After Effects adds a new keyframe. However, if you double-click on a keyframe to change it, the position of the indicator for the current time is neither relevant nor relevant when you change the interpolation method of a keyframe.

Move the current time indicator to the keyframe time. The property value is displayed next to the property name where you can edit it.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the keyframe. The keyframe value is displayed at the top of the context menu that appears. If necessary, select Edit Value to edit the value.
In Layer Bar mode, hover over a keyframe to see the time and value of the keyframe.
Hover over a keyframe in the Graphics Editor to see the layer name, property name, time, and keyframe value. Hover over a segment between keyframes to view information at any time.
In Layer Bar mode, click a keyframe to view the keyframe time and interpolation method in the info window.
In the graphics editor, click a keyframe or a segment between keyframes to display the minimum and maximum values ​​for a property and the current speed in the info window.
Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) two keyframes in Layer Bar mode to see the duration between them in the Info window.

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Ответ написан
thank you answering and asking this quuestion
i have had this same problem

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Ответ написан
Before changing a keyframe, make sure that the current-time indicator is positioned over an existing keyframe. If you change the value of a property while the current-time indicator is not in an existing keyframe, After Effects adds a new keyframe. However, if you double-click on a keyframe to change it, the position of the indicator for the current time is neither relevant nor relevant when you change the interpolation method of a keyframe. Call of Duty Black Ops Highly compressed
Ответ написан
Alt + Left / Alt + Right doesn't move the selected key either?
In general, keys can block if they have expression.
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Ответ написан
Move the current time indicator to the keyframe time. The property value is displayed next to the property name where you can edit it.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) the keyframe. The keyframe value is displayed at the top of the context menu that appears. If braina pro Download Parallels Desktop Activation Key, select Edit Value to edit the value. In Layer Bar mode, hover over a keyframe to see the time and value of the keyframe.
Hover over a keyframe in the Graphics Editor to see the layer name, property name, time, and keyframe value. Hover over a segment between keyframes to view information at any time. Quicken Download
In Layer Bar mode, click a keyframe to view the keyframe time and interpolation method in the info window.
In the graphics editor, click a keyframe or a segment between keyframes to display the minimum and maximum values ​​for a property and the current speed in the info window.
Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) two keyframes in Layer Bar mode to see the duration between them in the Info sewart serial number.
Ответ написан
Hover over a keyframe in the Graphics Editor to see the layer name, property name, time, and keyframe value. Hover over a segment between keyframes to view information at any time Portabledownloads
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